mag. Marko Rusjan, State Secretary

Author: Žan Kolman/UKOM
Marko Rusjan was born in Šempeter pri Gorici on 23 February 1974, and completed a master’s in Criminology at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Law. He came into the cultural sector via alternative culture as a co-creator of the music scene in Goriška in the 1990s, and has published a book, Fear of Freedom, about this period. He has written for numerous publications, including the Journal for the Critique of Science, Primorska srečanja and Razpotja. Between 2002 and 2006 he was director of Masovna, the institute that manages the Mostovna Cultural Centre in Solkan. After a few years working at the Ministry of Transport, he became assistant director of the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana. He has been involved in the production of many major exhibitions inside and outside Slovenia, and was also the producer of Slovenia’s pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2017 and 2019. For the last two years he has worked as a special advisor to the Left parliamentary group in the National Assembly in Slovenia, and was elected a city councillor in Nova Gorica representing the Left between 2018 and 2022. He previously sat on the board of the Nova Gorica Cultural Centre, and was involved in numerous city committees and commissions.