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European Affairs and International Cooperation Service

The European Affairs and International Cooperation Service is responsible for the appropriate promotion of the Republic of Slovenia’s interests in the international community and for ensuring high-quality cooperation in culture with important international partners.

It prepares and coordinates starting points in the area of international cooperation and European affairs, participates in the preparation and implementation of European projects and programmes, develops strategies for international cooperation, prepares guidelines for effective presentations, and coordinates the systemic promotion of Slovenian culture abroad.

It is responsible for the implementation of public calls for proposals and invitations for international cooperation which horizontally connect various cultural fields.

It plans and coordinates the content of programmes of visits at the ministerial level abroad and in Slovenia and coordinates the participation of Slovenian representatives in international meetings abroad, handles the Ministry’s communication and cooperation with diplomatic and consular representations of the Republic of Slovenia abroad and foreign diplomatic and consular representations in the Republic of Slovenia, and cooperates with the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad with regard to the integration of the cultural endeavours of Slovenians abroad into the uniform cultural policy of the Republic of Slovenia.

It is responsible for bilateral and multilateral cooperation. As part of bilateral cooperation, it coordinates the preparation of inter-ministerial and inter-governmental agreements, programmes, protocols or agreements on cooperation concluded by the Republic of Slovenia with other countries for all areas within the competence of the Ministry of Culture. As part of multilateral cooperation, it coordinates the participation of and represents the Republic of Slovenia in international organisations and other international structures and institutions in the area of culture (e.g. the Council of Europe, UNESCO, EUNIC, OSCE, the United Nations, ASEM, EUROMED, IHRA and FSC) and participates in various working groups in the areas of human rights, international development cooperation and Holocaust remembrance and in the Coordination Committee for the Western Balkans and other committees.