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The Defence Policy Directorate carries out tasks in the field of defence policy, including the preparation of strategic development and guidance documents relating to national security and the defence system; the preparation of long-term and medium-term planning defence-related documents; coordination and guidance of the defence system development; preparation decision-making bases in the field of strategic-level defence policy and defence planning, and preparation of the Ministry's views and analyses of various defence-related matters.

The Defence Policy Directorate performs functions related to the preparation of strategic development and steering documents and long- and medium-term planning documents. It is responsible for coordinating and directing the development of the defence system and for preparing bases for decision-making in the areas of defence policy and defence planning. It prepares analyses and positions of the Ministry on issues related to the field of defence. It performs, directs and coordinates business planning and reporting at the level of the Ministry. The Directorate is also responsible for coordinating and directing the activities of the defence system in the international security environment and in regional and other international security organisations and initiatives and those carried out together with individual countries.

Organisational Units of the Directorate