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The Common Building Blocks Development Division is responsible for the development and operation of horizontal information building blocks for re-use in the construction of electronic services. By managing these building blocks, we provide support for e-commerce in government. We develop building blocks intended for performing electronic data queries (Tray, IO-module, Asynchronous module) and can be used in various electronic services. Beside that we manage a platform for rapid e-services development and online large file transfer system (SOVD).

We also manage some horizontal information systems, such as document management systems (SPIS, Krpan, CEH), web applications for financial operations of administrative units and the central system for authentication and authorization of users to work in various applications (Central Authorization Scheme).

In the Division we take care of the Open Data Portal of Slovenia (OPSI), where public sector open data is available which can be used for service development, infographics creation and more, and GeoHub-SI portal, representing a single entry point to spatial data. services and applications of the state institutions.