mag. Katja Božič

Katja Božič has considerable professional and management experience in various areas of the financial system. She holds a master’s degree in economics with a focus on bank management and the title of state auditor.
She began her career at the Bank of Slovenia and the brokerage company Poteza. She was head of the retail banking department at Bank Austria Creditanstalt. As director of the corporate banking department at Gorenjska banka, she was involved in the development and implementation of the bank’s restructuring measures in 2014. She also ran her own business and finance consulting company.
Between 2005 and 2012, she worked at the Ministry of Finance. As General Director of the Financial System Division, she was responsible for coordinating the drafting of legislative proposals governing the financial system and relations with international financial institutions. She participated in negotiations on Slovenia’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the first Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2008. At the EU level, she was a member of the Economic and Financial Committee, the Financial Services Committee and the European Banking Committee.
Katja Božič also has wide management experience. She served on the European Investment Bank’s board of governors in Luxembourg, the supervisory boards of Nova Ljubljanska banka and Abanka Vipa, and the Insurance Supervision Agency’s Council of Experts.
Before her appointment as state secretary, she was Supreme State Auditor at the Court of Audit, responsible, among other things, for auditing government budget users and coordinating the audits of the proposed annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia and the implementation of the state budgets for 2020, 2021 and 2022.