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The Directorate is the national coordinator for development cooperation and humanitarian aid, in accordance with the applicable legislation and Slovenia’s foreign policy priorities.


  • Why we need development cooperation

    Through development cooperation, Slovenia helps attain a balanced and fair global development and takes on its share of responsibility for poverty eradication, inequality reduction and sustainable development in partner countries in the Western Balkans, the European neighbourhood and Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Thematic and geographic priorities of Slovenia's development cooperation

    Development cooperation focuses on thematic and geographic priorities identified in terms of effectiveness, Slovenia’s comparative advantages and capacities, and support for the development efforts of partner countries.

  • Planning and implementing Slovenia's development cooperation and humanitarian aid

    The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is the national coordinator of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. In this capacity, it drafts the legislative and strategic framework for efficient planning, implementing, monitoring, and raising awareness of these activities.

  • Awareness-raising of development cooperation

    Slovenia aims to raise awareness of the importance, goals, and achievements of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. It is essential to realise that such activities in partner countries also indirectly affect life in Slovenia.

Departments of the Directorate