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The department works with development cooperation and humanitarian aid providers such as NGOs, the Centre for International Cooperation and Development (CMSR), the ITF – Enhancing Human Security, the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), the Centre of Excellence in Finance (CEF), ministries, affiliated bodies, government offices, international organisations and others. It also coordinates the participation of experts in providing bilateral technical assistance.

The department also provides for the operational planning and monitoring of the implementation of programmes and projects by development cooperation and humanitarian aid providers. It is in charge of drafting and implementing public calls for applications, calls for proposals, etc. related to Slovenia’s development cooperation and humanitarian and post-conflict aid. This aid is directed through national partners and international organisations.

Furthermore, it produces annual reports on Slovenia’s official development assistance, its humanitarian activities and other statistics related to this area, including an annual report on how Slovenia is delivering on its financing for development commitments, which is submitted to the National Assembly, the EU and the OECD's Development Assistance Committee (DAC). It also undertakes evaluations of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.

The department raises public awareness, at home and abroad, of the importance, objectives and achievements of development cooperation and humanitarian aid for a more balanced and fair global development. Through its work, it promotes global learning and thereby contributes to a stronger sense of international solidarity and more sustainable economic and social policies based on environmental protection and human rights.