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The Department for Public Diplomacy and International Cooperation in Culture strives for the greater visibility of foreign policy activities in Slovenia and the promotion of the country brand I feel Slovenia abroad.

It plans Slovenia's communication with the international public and coordinates the implementation of Slovenian foreign policy objectives and Slovenia's national interests abroad by establishing relations between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the international public. In this context, it plans and coordinates communication with the international public regarding foreign policy topics.

It plans, coordinates and implements Slovenia's public diplomacy in cooperation with the Ministry's competent services, diplomatic missions and consular posts and other line ministries. It is responsible for designing the corporate identity, including proposals for the use of new communication tools, in order to promote Slovenia's key foreign policy priorities and activities.

It also performs tasks related to international cultural cooperation, including the coordination of activities as part of preparations to implement cultural programmes and the promotion of Slovenian culture abroad. In cooperation with the competent national, European and international institutions and Slovenia's representations abroad, it plans and coordinates Slovenia's foreign cultural policy activities. The Department is also responsible for the return and protection of works of art that Slovenia received on the basis of succession.