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The Department for EU Policies is responsible for developing Slovenia's policy on issues relating to the work of EU institutions, authorities and bodies.

It is responsible for inter-ministerial coordination, monitoring and preparation of positions for meetings of the Council of the European Union in areas that fall within the competence of the Committee of Permanent Representatives I (Coreper I – transport, communications, postal services and information society services, energy, employment, social affairs, healthcare, agriculture, veterinary and phytosanitary matters, fisheries, the environment, nuclear safety, the internal market, industrial policy, consumer protection, culture, audio-visual policy, education, training, youth, and sport) and participates in the preparation of positions and starting points for meetings of the European Council and the General Affairs Council regarding the aforementioned areas. It is also responsible for the inter-ministerial coordination, monitoring and preparation of positions for meetings of the Council of the European Union and the European Council in certain areas that fall within the competence of the Committee of Permanent Representatives II (Coreper II): economic and financial affairs, foreign trade and justice and home affairs. It also coordinates activities in the field of migration and energy, within the framework of Slovenia's activities in the EU and in the external field.

It participates in the preparation of horizontal documents in the area of European affairs and is responsible for providing information to Slovenian members of European institutions, in particular the Economic and Social Committee. It provides substantive and technical support to the working bodies of the Government that are responsible for European affairs (the Working Group for European Affairs) and monitoring the implementation of the Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs Act.