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The Department for Borders and Succession Issues is composed of the Borders Section and the Succession Issues Section.

The Borders Section within the Department is in charge of the border maintenance commissions with Italy, Austria and Hungary and represents the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in bilateral commissions for water management. In cooperation with the Ministry's political sectors and services, the Section deals with issues relating to the border. It also participates in the drafting of legislation and implementing acts relating to the border or the border area of Slovenia, particularly in the light of the strategic impact assessment on Slovenia's status in the international community.

The Borders Section is also in charge of tasks within the remit of the Ministry as regards the implementation of the arbitral award on the border with Croatia.

The Succession Issues Section is in charge of tasks related to the work of the High Representative of the Republic of Slovenia for Succession Issues, who ensures full and effective implementation of the 2001 Agreement on Succession Issues. The Agreement aims to regulate mutual rights and obligations between the five successor States on succession issues under the former SFRY, in accordance with the rules of international law.

The High Representative is responsible for drafting, coordinating and representing positions and for implementing activities in all areas of succession, namely the sharing of the SFRY’s movable and immovable property (especially cultural heritage); the division of diplomatic and consular representations and works of art of the SFRY abroad; the distribution of financial assets and liabilities, including the issue of old foreign exchange deposits and savers of Ljubljanska Banka, access and sharing of archives and recognition of private assets and acquired rights.