Security Policy Department
The Head of the Department, having contact with partners from other EU Member States, performs the duties of the EU Security Policy Director, NATO Security Policy Director, and the European correspondent within the Department.
In its advisory capacity to the political director, the Security Policy Department participates in developing foreign policy in CFSP matters by way of analyses and proposals for key and priority foreign policy and political-security positions, assessments and proposals, on which the political director reports to the Minister and the Ministry’s management. It monitors the implementation and further development of the European foreign policy, including the activities of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and other EU institutions, EU Member States, and global actors. It is responsible for communicating COREU documents via the CORTESY protected information system.
The Department is responsible for the substantive and technical coordination of CFSP matters and the preparation and coordination of positions for European Council meetings on CFSP, Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), informal meetings of ministers, meetings of political directors, meetings of the Political and Security Committee (PSC), Coreper II meetings (regarding CFSP), and the RELEX working party, as well as coordinates and directs the actions of Slovenia’s representatives in the working groups of the Council of the EU in the area of CFSP.
It provides support to the political director in direct communication with partners in EU Member States, the EEAS, and third countries regarding topics relating to CFSP. It regularly informs representatives of EU Member States in Slovenia about Slovenia's positions ahead of FAC meetings and other important events relating to CFSP. As and when required, it is also responsible for coordination with Slovenia’s representations abroad and other competent ministries of the Slovenian Government.
In the area of the European Security and Defence Policy and in cooperation with other competent ministries, the Department monitors the planning and execution of operations, and the strengthening of institutions, civil and military capabilities, and crisis management by participating in EU crisis management exercises and co-drafting national and EU strategic doctrinal documents.
It prepares and harmonises positions on topical political and security issues, which Slovenia as a member of NATO represents in the North Atlantic Council, NATO committees and structures, bilateral and multilateral relations with other allies, and at formal and informal ministerial meetings and NATO meetings at the level of Heads of State and Government.
It also examines all the topical political and security NATO issues, focusing on the transformation and strengthening of NATO and its capacities, the Readiness Action Plan, relations with Russia, Ukraine and Georgia, partnerships, crisis management, public diplomacy, enlargement policy, and NATO operations to name just a few.
In foreign policy, it is involved in the decision-making on Slovenia’s participation in EU operations and missions, NATO operations and UN peacekeeping missions, as well as coordinating the activities related to these. Based on the Strategy of the Participation of the Republic of Slovenia in International Operations and Missions, it prepares annual reports.
The Security Policy Department is responsible for matters of arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament within the national policy and the framework of all relevant international and regional organisations. It provides substantive support for ITF Enhancing Human Security. In collaboration with other competent ministries, it coordinates and prepares positions on a wide range of threats, such as terrorism, hybrid warfare, and cyber and energy security.