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We manage and coordinate communication with foreign and domestic audiences to enhance understanding of and increase support for the policies and values of the Republic of Slovenia. Public diplomacy is carried out in cooperation with the relevant services and departments of the Ministry, diplomatic missions and consular posts, and other ministries and institutions of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

In line with foreign policy priorities, the Service implements projects to promote Slovenia and Slovenian excellence under the banner I feel Slovenia (World Bee Day, traditional Slovenian breakfast, women and children, water and the environment, promotion through sport, etc.). We also coordinate and promote existing public diplomacy projects (BSF, LAC Days, Slovenian Development Days, etc.) and design new ones.

In carrying out our mission, we work with NGOs, think tanks, academia, young people and other interested publics.

The Service oversees the crafting of strategically unified foreign policy messages for the Minister and the Ministry's leadership, such as speeches, contributions to publications and expert articles. In cooperation with the Strategic Communications Service and other organisational units within the Ministry, we are responsible for the Ministry's website.