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Topics and Projects of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs


  • Entry and residence

    The methods and conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia differ depending on whether the person entering the country is a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, or a third-country national.

  • Europe and the Euro-Atlantic area

    Slovenia is part of the European Union, which is a valuable economic, developmental, political and legal environment, as well as the environment of the values it shares. A staunch supporter of EU enlargement, it maintains close and regular contacts with other EU Member States and is a reliable NATO member.

  • Neighbourhood

    As a Central European and Mediterranean country located at the intersection of three macro-regions – the Alps, the Adriatic and the Danube region – and of Western and Southeast Europe, Slovenia offers a wide range of possibilities for economic, political and cultural cooperation.

  • EU technical assistance to third countries

    The EU provides targeted financial assistance to candidate countries, potential candidate countries and partners in support of their efforts to implement political, economic, and institutional reforms.

  • Other continents

    Slovenia maintains and strengthens economic and political relations with countries all over the world. It fosters ties with Slovenian communities around the world, which are a valuable connection enhancing Slovenia's relations with other countries. Slovenia supports the development of expat communities, including the emerging ones, while also focusing on repatriation. It actively engages in the preservation of the Slovenian expat heritage and protects citizens.

  • Slovenia in the UN

    The United Nations (UN) is a unique system for addressing global challenges to international peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights, with countries sharing common objectives and contributing to positive changes in the world.

  • Slovenia's NATO membership

    To become a full-fledged NATO member was one of Slovenia's strategic goals in the period following its independence. Its aspirations built on fundamental values, strategic security, and vital national interests.

  • Slovenia and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

    The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation promoting better policies for better lives. The OECD was founded in 1961 and Slovenia became a member in 2010. By joining the organisation, Slovenia has achieved one of the most important goals of its strategic positioning in the international arena.

  • Slovenia and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe

    The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the world’s largest regional security organisation. It comprehensively addresses security issues and resolves them through cooperation within three dimensions: politico-military, economic and environmental, and human.

  • Slovenia and the Council of Europe

    The Council of Europe is a key regional international organisation committed to promote the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and strengthening democracy and the rule of law in the wider European area. The purpose of the organisation is to promote the development of European cultural identity and diversity as well as seeking common solutions for problems that the European society encounters. The Council's efforts have paved the way to one of the greatest achievements of present-day Europe, the abolition of the death penalty in all of its 46 member states, before 47, following the decision of the Committee of Ministers on 16 March 2022 to expel the Russian federation from the Council of Europe because of its aggression against Ukraine.

  • Human rights in Slovenian foreign policy

    Human rights are universal and indivisible. Everyone has the same rights, regardless of nationality, place of residence, gender, ethnicity, skin colour, religion, language or any other personal circumstance. Therefore, the Slovenian foreign policy regards political, civil, economic, social, and cultural rights to be equal.

  • International human rights law documents and Slovenia’s reporting

    Slovenia is committed to universal human rights instruments and has an obligation to periodically report to treaty bodies on the implementation of particular instruments or conventions.

  • International law

    The respect for international law guarantees a stable international environment and is therefore the obligation, value, and interest of Slovenia's foreign policy. Slovenia is committed to furthering the fundamental principle of the rule of law, which is also one of the guiding Slovenia's foreign policy principles at both the national and international levels.

  • Slovenia as Depositary for Multilateral Treaties

    The designation of depositaries of multilateral treaties is a result of an increasing number of states participating in the procedures for the conclusion of such treaties as well as a large number and complexity of activities required before and after the entry into force of multilateral treaties.

  • Why we need development cooperation

    Through development cooperation, Slovenia helps attain a balanced and fair global development and takes on its share of responsibility for poverty eradication, inequality reduction and sustainable development in partner countries in the Western Balkans, the European neighbourhood and Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Thematic and geographic priorities of Slovenia's development cooperation

    Development cooperation focuses on thematic and geographic priorities identified in terms of effectiveness, Slovenia’s comparative advantages and capacities, and support for the development efforts of partner countries.

  • Planning and implementing Slovenia's development cooperation and humanitarian aid

    The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is the national coordinator of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. In this capacity, it drafts the legislative and strategic framework for efficient planning, implementing, monitoring, and raising awareness of these activities.

  • Awareness-raising of development cooperation

    Slovenia aims to raise awareness of the importance, goals, and achievements of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. It is essential to realise that such activities in partner countries also indirectly affect life in Slovenia.

  • Economic diplomacy

    The interests of Slovenian businesses abroad are protected and promoted by a network of diplomatic missions and consular posts and their economic advisers who assist Slovenian businesses in entering foreign markets. These efforts are complemented by a worldwide network of Slovenia's honorary consuls, whose main role is to represent Slovenia's economic interests.

  • Restrictive measures

    With restrictive measures or sanctions, the international community wishes to stop, in a peaceful manner, countries or individuals from being a threat to international peace or security.

  • Counter-terrorism efforts

    Slovenia strongly condemns all forms of terrorism and violent extremism regardless of their nature or religious, ethnic or other ideology. Terrorism undermines the basic values such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, leading to negative effects on the national economy, sustainable development, and national security. Nothing can justify terrorism – ever.

  • Arms control

    Slovenia is striving to implement and strengthen the internationally agreed restrictions on the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation, and use of small arms and light weapons, as well as conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

  • The Slovenian language in the European Union

    The principle of multilingualism is enshrined in the Union’s legal foundations. Its main aspects are set out in the Treaties, EEC Council (1958) Regulation No 1 and the accession acts of any new Member State that opts for its national language to become one of the EU official languages. Multilingualism is a guarantee of democracy, transparency, and legal certainty for all citizens of the Union.


  • The MLA Initiative is an initiative led by Slovenia, Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, the Netherlands and Senegal for the adoption of the Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and other International Crimes.

    The Ljubljana-The Hague Convention was adopted at the MLA Diplomatic Conference in Ljubljana on 26 May 2023 and represents a landmark international treaty that will help to deliver justice to victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The adoption of the Convention seizes a historic opportunity to strengthen international legal cooperation. The Convention is expected to significantly reduce impunity for perpetrators of crimes. More than 30 States from all over the world signed the Convention at a Signing Conference in The Hague on 14 and 15 February 2024. The Ljubljana-The Hague Convention is open for signature by all States until 14 February 2025.

  • The objective of the Our Rights project is to enable young people, particularly children, who are still developing and trying to establish their identities, to learn about human rights, i.e. their rights and respecting the rights of others. The empowerment of children, notably through education about human rights, including their own, is one of the key priorities of Slovenian foreign policy in the area of human rights promotion.