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At the Ministry of Health, we are committed to develope quality public health care that is accessible to all, based on comprehensiveness, solidarity and equity. We work to promote and protect health and prevent disease, optimise health care, increase the efficiency of the health care system and ensure its sustainable financing. We put the needs of the patient at the heart of the health system.


Organisational units of the Ministry

Ministry’s history

Since 1991, the Ministry of Health has been led by 19 ministers in 21 mandates. The first Minister, or at that time Chairperson of the Republican Committee for Health and Social Care of the Republic of Slovenia, was Dr Katja Boh. The Ministry was renamed from the Republican Committee to the Ministry of Health, Family and Social Welfare of the Republic of Slovenia in 1992, then became the Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Slovenia in 1993 and finally the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia in 2000.