Legislation and Strategic Documents
Strategic Documents
National Strategy For quality and safety in Healthcare (2023 - 2031)
Strategies and programmes
Transplantation of Human Body Parts for the Purposes of Medical Treatment
- Act Regulating the Obtaining and Transplantation of Human Body Parts for the Purposes of Medical Treatment
- Rules on the Transplant Ethics Committee
- Rules on preservation methods and transport procedures for human organs
- "Rules on duties of transplantation coordinators"
- Rules on declarations regarding the donation of human body parts
- Rules on reporting and managing serious adverse events and reactions in use of human organs
- Rules on the traceability of human tissues and cells and products as well as products and materials coming into contact with these tissues and cells
- Rules on placing a person on the waiting list for treatment with human body parts
- Rules on education and training programmes for the procedures regarding the supply of organs
- Act on quality and safety of human tissues and cells, for the Purposes for medical treatment
- Rules on donation and procurement of human tissues and cells
- Rules on tissue vigilance
- Rules on medical criteria, methodology and procedures for certification of the brain death and on thecomposition of the Commission for the certification of the brain death
- Rules on the conditions and methods of the import/export and entry/exit of human tissues and cells
- Rules on the mode of operation and conditions for the development of the national programme of treatment with transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and the mode of operation of the register for unrelated hematopoietic stem cells donors
- Rules on the mode of integration with related foreign and international organizations and the exchange of human body parts with other countries
- Rules on personal data protection of the donors and receivers of human body parts for treatment purposes
- Rules on the conditions for granting licences to perform the activity of supplying human tissue and cells
- Rules on the procedures for collection, storage and use of hematopoietic stem cells
- Rules stablishing notification procedures for the deceased persons being potential organ donors ofhuman body parts for transplantation purposes
- Rules on the reception, processing, storage, release and distribution of human tissues and cells
- Criminal Code
- Production of and Trade in Illicit Drugs Act
- Rules on method and form of record-keeping and of reports on illicit drugs
- Rules governing the procedures for the issue o flicences for illicit drugs marketing
- Rules on technical and sanitary conditions and on the mode of protection of the facilities for storage and dispensing of illicit drugs from Groups I and II
- Act on the Prevention of the Use of Illicit Drugs and on the Treatment of Illicit Drug Users
- Rules on supervising the work activity of centres for the prevention of and treatment of illicit drug addiction
- Rules on the structure and method of work of services co-ordinating the Centres for the prevention and treatment of addiction to illicit drugs
Mental Health
- Mental Health Act
- Rules on the implementation of security measures of compulsory psychiatric treatment and care in a health establishment of compulsory psychiatric treatment at liberty and compulsory treatment of alcoholics and drug addict
- Rules on the staff, technical and spatial conditions, which must meet the performers of psychiatric care, and the process of verification
- Rules on staff, technical and premises requirements for institutional care providers and Social Work Centres providing mental health services, and on the verification procedure thereof
- Rules on criteria determining the amount of remuneration for work and the reimbursement of the mental health advocate's expenses
- Rules on performing Community treatment of people with long-standing Mental Health problems
- Rules on the cooperation between medical staff and rescue service and police
- Rules on providing representative service on the field of mental health
- Rules on content, conditions and the method of examination coordinator for the controlled treatment
Prevention and Control of Hospital Infections
Patients’ Rights
- Patients’ Rights Act
- Rules on the method for appointment of patient's representatives and on the advance healthcare directive
- Rules on forms for written healthcare directives
- Rules on the direct cost rate of hospitalisation incurred by healthcare service providers
- Rules on the organisation and provision of spiritual care in hospitals and at other healthcare service providers
- Rules on healthcare mediation
- Rules on the internal supervision of healthcare providers subject to a second request
- Rules on determination of measures of compensation and the reimbursement of actual costs for representative of patient's rights
- Rules on remuneration rates for the president and members of the Commission for the protection of patient rights and mediators
- Decree on officiation with users in public health care
Health and Safety at Work
- Health and Safety at Work Act
- Rules on the Evaluation of Health Ability for the Military Service
- Rules on preventive medical examinations of workers
- Rules on the list of occupational diseases
- Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to asbestos at work
- Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to chemical substances at work
- Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to noise at work
- Pravilnik o varovanju zdravja pri delu nosečih delavk, delavk, ki so pred kratkim rodile ter doječih delavk
- Rules on Protection of Health at Work of Children, Adolescents and Young Persons
- Rules on safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment
- Rules on ensuring safety and health in manual handling of loads
- Rules concerning medical examinations establishing health requirements of an individual carrying orpossessing fire-arms
- Rules setting out the health requirements to be met by workers coming in contact with foodstuffs
Regulating the Sanitary Suitability of Foodstuff, Products and Materials Coming into Contact with Foodstuffs
- Act Regulating the Sanitary Suitability of Foodstuff, Products and Materials Coming into Contact with Foodstuffs
- Rulesrepealing the Rules on hygiene of foodstuffs
- Rules on official temperature control of fast frozen food
- Rules setting out the health requirements to be met by workers coming in contact with foodstuffs
- Agriculture Act
- Rules on the safety of quick-frozen foodstuffs
- Act Amending Certain Acts in the Field of Health
- Regulation on coordination of the ministries and their bodies with the responsibilities for food and feed safety, animal health, animal welfare and plant health
- Decree on the implementation of certain Regulations (EC) concerning official control and obligations of food business operators in primary production of foodstuffs and feed
- Decree on the implementation of certain Regulations (EC) concerning foodstuffs, hygiene of foodstuffs and official control of foodstuffs
- Decree on the management of waste edible oils and fats
Data Collections
- Personal Data Protection Act
- Healthcare Databases Act
- Rules on the conditions, deadlines and method of integration and use of the eHealth system for mandatory users
- Rules on the prohibition of access to the patent’s data in the Central Register of Patients
- Order determining the uniform definition of key concepts in health
- Order establishing uniform methodological principles, common standards and standard operating procedures to ensure uniformity of data collection management system in the field of health care
- Order determining the types and retention periods of medical documentation in the Central Register of Patients
Medicinal Products
- Medicinal Products Act
- Rules on colouring matters that may be added to medicinal products
- Rules on the central database of medicinal products for human use
- Rules determining the prices of medicinal products for human use
- Rules on marketing authorisation for parallel imported medicinal products and for the parallel distribution of medicinal products for human use
- Rules on the marketing authorisation of medicinal products for human use
- Rules on pharmacovigilance of medicinal products for human use
- Rules on the on-line dispensing of medicinal products
- Rules on the method and procedure for analytical, non-clinical pharmaco-toxicological and clinical testing of medicinal products for human use
- Rules on the labelling and instructions for medicinal products for human use
- Rules on the manufacture, wholesale distribution and import of active substances and on registers of manufacturers, wholesalers and importers of active substances
- Rules on the production of medicinal products
- Rules on radiopharmaceuticals
- Rules on the system for the receipt, storage and traceability of medicinal products
- Rules on the manufacturing and trade with medical devices
- Medical Devices Act
- Rules on Medical Devices
- Rules on fees in the field of medical devices
- Rules on the vigilance of medical devices
- Order on list of standards, when applied, create the presumption of conformity of medical device in accordance with the Act on medical devices
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine Act
- Rules determining complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) systems and methods, and on the procedure for the register, acknowledgment and supervision of CAM systems and the methods to be introduced in CAM services
- Rules on conditions for performing activities on Alternative medicine
- Rules on the medical examination for healers who have not completed medical education
- Decision on costs of test from health contents for medicine
Medical Services
- Medical Services Act
- Act on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Medical Doctors, Specialist Doctors, Doctors of Dental Medicine and Specialist Doctors of Dental Medicine
- Decree on the performance-related bonus paid to public employees for increased workload
- Decree on standards for the level of Slovene language skills for typical work posts in health care
- Pravilnik o strokovnem nadzoru s svetovanjem
- Rules on the Register of Physicians
- Rules on the conditions under which a physician is not required to perform turn of duty
- Rules concerning the employment and financing of physicians interns
- Decision determining the Medical Chamber of Slovenia membership fee
- Decision on insurance against damage that may be caused by physicians and dentists during their work for 2019
Health Services
- Health Services Act
- Rules on professional supervision and counselling for certain health professional groups not organised in professional chambers or organisations with public authority
- Rules on minimum training conditions and acquired rights for medical doctors, specialist doctors, general practitioners, doctors of dental medicine, specialist doctors of dental medicine, graduate nurses, graduate midwifes and masters of pharmacy
- Rules on carriage of patients
- Rules on requirements to be met by laboratories performing laboratory medicine tests
- Rules on the verification procedure concerning healthcare programmes and services carried out in health care and health resort services
- Rules on emergency medical service
- Rules on the specialisation of healthcare and allied professionals
- Rules on the professional training of medical and non-medical professionals
- Rules concerning curriculum and requirements of the phramacists' specialization programmes
- Rules concerning the Health Council
- Rules on carrying out preventive health care at the primary level
- Rules on professional supervision and counselling in nursing and midwifery services
- Rules on helicopter emergency medical service
- Rules on the register of laboratory medicine providers
- Rules on the register and licences of nursing and midwifery providers
- Rules on professions for which professional qualifications are examined before the first provision of services
- Rules on conditions for the issuance of certificates of attained professional qualifications
- Rules on specialisation in medical biochemistry
- Rules on the medical dispatch service
- Rules on professional supervision and counselling in the field of laboratory medicine
- Rules on expanded professional boards
- Rules on the criteria for determining the amount of payment for medical services under work contracts or other civil law contracts
- Rules on awarding the title of head physician
- Rules on the method of providing funds for traineeships, secondments and specializations
- Rules on administrative supervision in healthcare
- Rules on the systemic supervision in healthcare services
- Rules concerning the employment and financing of physicians interns
- Rules concerning requirements to be met by the laboratories examining the uterus tube smears
- Rules on the criteria for the classification of hospitals
- Rules on drawing up and adoption of technical guidelines in health care and health resort services
- Rules concerning the requirements to be met and the procedure to obtain the title of a councillor or a higher councillor
- Rules on licence in the field of laboratory medicine
- Rules on the conditions to be met by healthcare institutions and private healthcare professionals for the provision of specialisation programmes
- Rules on the requirements to be met by health institutions providing practical clinical instruction of pupils attending secondary schools and of students attending advanced educational institutions in order to be awarded the title educational institution
- Rules concerning the employment and financing of health professionals interns other than physicians and dentists
Health Care and Health Insurance
- Health Care and Health Insurance Act
- Rules on compulsory health insurance
- Rules on inclusion of medicines on the list
- Rules on classification of foods for special medical purposes
- 'Rules on the form of the medical confirmation on the legitimate absence from the hearing or other procedural act before the court
- Rules concerning the health insurance card
- Rules on write-off, instalment payment and deferred payment of outstanding amounts arising from compulsory health insurance contributions
- Rules on forms and documents needed to implement compulsory health insurance
- Pravilnik o sofinanciranju strokovnega tiska, organizacije in udeležbe na kongresih in drugih strokovnih srečanjih
- Pravilnik o volitvah in imenovanju članov v organe upravljanja Zavoda
- Rules on carrying out preventive health care at the primary level
- Pravilnik o izdajanju zdravniških spričeval in potrdil v zdravstvenih delovnih organizacijah
- Rules on the inclusion of medical devices on the Medical Devices List, and their exclusion from the List
- Decision concerning composition and functioning of the Health Council of the Republic of Slovenia
- Rules setting references for price standards of medical devices and devices covered by compulsory health insurance
- Order on the list of health services, for which prior authorisation is required
- Instructions on preparation of the report on execution of supplementary health insurance for the period of compensation
- Instructions for completing the insurance application form for the disabled
- Decision concerning flat-rate contributions for compulsory health insurance
- Decision on detailed instructions for accounting and presentation of transactions as regards offsets in supplementary health insurance
Food for Special Groups
- Rules on dietary foods for special medical purposes
- Rules on infant formulae for babies and follow-on formulae for babies and small children
- Rules of processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children
- Rules on special requirements for labelling and presentation of prepackaged foodstuffs