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ENIC – NARIC centre is the national academic recognition information centre, according to the Act on Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, responsible for the assessment and recognition of education in the Republic of Slovenia.

ENIC-NARIC are networks of information centers dealing with the recognition of education at the national level. The ENIC network connects the information centers of the member states of the Council of Europe and UNESCO / CEPES, and the NARIC network (National Academic Recognition Information Centers) operates at the initiative of the European Commission and consists of information centers of EU Member States and some other countries.

The ENIC-NARIC center collects and provides information on the Slovenian school system and foreign school systems of individual countries, conducts procedures and issues opinions on education in accordance with the Assessment and Recognition of Education Act, and advises and informs individuals and institutions about Slovenian and foreign education.
