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The Directorate develops and implements government policy on science, research and innovation. It performs executive tasks related to the implementation of the Resolution on the Research and Innovation Strategy 2030 and Action Plans and prepares expert bases and proposals for legislative solutions in science, research and innovation, with the assistance of the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) as an executive agency. Its activities include the strengthening of the transfer of research results to the economy, the development of support instruments for international integration, the strengthening of synergies between different sources of funding and at the systemic level, and providing support for construction and upgrading of key research infrastructure at the implementation level. The Directorate's tasks are, among others, to build a modern research and innovation system that will facilitate a higher quality of living for all by effectively overcoming societal challenges, increasing the added value per employee, and providing more and better quality jobs.


Sectors of the Directorate