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The Innovation Division provides expert bases for the adoption of legislative, strategy and programme documents in the fields of innovation and technology. It strengthens the innovation culture and competitiveness of the Slovenian economy through various activities related to communication and promotion of the transfer of knowledge, research and innovation in companies. Innovation-active firms in Slovenia partner with research institutions, universities, and international organisations and partnerships, leading to knowledge-sharing and fostering innovation.

It provides various financial incentives, such as through calls for proposals for R&D and innovation projects and tax breaks for R&D investments, and strengthens networking between innovation stakeholders. It is also engaged in international networking and participates in EU innovation fora and working groups. New principles and good practice mechanisms are being transferred from the international environment to strengthen synergies between different actors and to stimulate new value creation through focusing on the development of new, mainly green, technologies, processes and services aimed at addressing key societal challenges.

It works closely with the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency in planning and developing measures to foster innovation. Through the Knowledge Platform, stakeholders are informed on current European initiatives, as well as about cooperation, co-design and exchange of views in the fields of higher education, research and innovation. It focuses investments into research, development and innovation in priority areas of smart specialisation, where through support for strategic innovation partnerships, stakeholders are brought together from scientific research organisations and companies.

  • Innovation

    Innovation and an innovation culture are key success factors for a high-tech society and economy. The development of new technologies, the shortening of product life cycles and increasing global competition increase the importance of innovation, not only for the future growth of companies, but also for raising the competitiveness of companies and their successful growth in the long term.

  • Technological development

    Technological development implies the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Investment in research and technological development is one of the key factors of a competitive economy.