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The Secretariat performs the tasks of supporting, methodological, professional and technical tasks related to the organisation of the Ministry, material management and work programming, human resource management, document management, quality management, IT, legal affairs, public procurement, provision of public information, defence matters and other issues related to NATO membership.

The Secretariat also carries out tasks related to managing and coordinating the performance of supporting, organisational, professional and technical tasks which are of common interest to all fields of activity of the Ministry. It monitors the materials of the National Assembly, the Government, the ministries and the EU and oversees the performance of tasks related to the materials of these bodies.

The Secretariat prepares materials for the Government and manages, organises and coordinates work related to ​​protection, rescue and relief, defence preparations, civil crisis planning and protection of the critical infrastructure of the Ministry and its affiliated bodies.

The Secretariat performs tasks related to the protection of classified information, organises, coordinates and executes national security tasks related to NATO and other international organisations. Moreover, it coordinates proposals, observations, positions and opinions regarding the materials in intersectoral and expert coordination which are of common interest to the Ministry.

The Secretariat ensures the economical use of the funds allocated to the Ministry for its activities and oversees the implementation of accompanying, organisational, professional and technical tasks within the Ministry and its affiliated bodies.