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The Punitive Law and Human Rights Directorate drafts legislative and regulatory proposals on criminal and punitive law, human rights protection, integrity protection and prevention of corruption, personal data protection, enforcement of criminal sanctions, pardon granting, redress of injustices, and compensation paid to victims of criminal offences. It is also responsible for the harmonisation of such legislation with the acts of the European Union and other international organisations.

Sectors of the Directorate

  • Punitive Law and Human Rights Division

    Ministry of Justice
    Punitive Law and Human Rights Directorate

    Župančičeva ulica 3
    1000 Ljubljana

  • Penal Sanctions Enforcement Division

    Ministry of Justice
    Punitive Law and Human Rights Directorate

    Župančičeva ulica 6
    1000 Ljubljana

  • Division for Redressing Injustices and Providing Support to Victims of Criminal Offences

    Ministry of Justice
    Punitive Law and Human Rights Directorate

    Glinška ulica 12
    1000 Ljubljana