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The underlying guidelines and mechanisms promoted by the Ministry in social development can be defined as policies aimed at promoting equal opportunities and enabling social inclusion by investing in people and continuously assessing all social security schemes and the measures adapted to individuals. Corrections applied to various areas of social security and the social security system in general are focused on improving the situation of the socially most vulnerable groups in the context of overall general solidarity on the one hand and on the setting up of supplementary social security schemes on the other. 
The Directorate organises activities in this area through the coordination of the Government Programme for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.

Social assistance falls under social security schemes and is based on social justice, solidarity and the principles of equal access and free choice of forms. The development of public services takes into account the need for better accessibility of services and balanced regional accessibility, the individualisation of services, and the elimination of monopolies in the provision of public services while ensuring their well-thought-out organisation. The social security scheme, social security rights, social security providers and other systemic issues are regulated by law. By monitoring the implementation of the law and improving the legal regulation, people in social distress are provided with an appropriate social assistance scheme if they are unable to provide for their subsistence and an appropriate system offering them expert support and social assistance services.