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The Administrative Units Service is responsible for the coordination of activities of administrative units in the area of personnel, finance and organisation; it ensures that administrative units which have been established to carry out state administration tasks and are organised territorially respect the principles of legality, transparency, efficiency, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in their work.

The Service constantly strives for the efficiency and quality of the work of 58 administrative units, providing guidelines and instructions to improve their organisation.

The Administrative Units Service performs the following tasks:

  • coordinates the operation of administrative units in the areas of personnel, finance and organisation;
  • performs standardisation tasks, provides professional assistance, and monitors and supervises the work of administrative units in the areas of organisation, personnel, finance, management and general operation;
  • draws up and participates in drawing up regulations within its field of competence;
  • participates in ministries’ project groups to increase the cost-effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the operation of administrative units and services;
  • prepares proposals and participates in the preparation of tasks for the reorganisation of administrative units (combining tasks, specialisation of tasks, etc.);
  • prepares and coordinates the proposal for the joint financial plan and annual accounts of administrative units, liquidity plans and re-allocation of funds among administrative units;
  • coordinates the operation of the IT support system for the financial and material operation of administrative units and the operation of the internal control system and submits proposals for the provision of efficient IT support for administrative procedures at administrative units;
  • prepares a joint personnel plan of administrative units;
  • performs tasks related to the exercising of rights and fulfilment of obligations and responsibilities arising from the employment relationship by heads of administrative units, including the preparation of instruments for their appointment and dismissal;
  • coordinates the preparation of uniform and harmonised positions of administrative units from the point of view of efficiency and prepares positions and coordinates work in the area of inter-ministerial cooperation to reduce administrative barriers and burdens identified by administrative units and clients;
  • coordinates work with regard to giving opinions on proposed regulations, prepares materials and positions, advocating such positions on behalf of administrative units during the process of inter-ministerial coordination;
  • collects, monitors and analyses information on decision-making in administrative and other matters at the level of administrative units and prepares in-depth analyses of the situation in all areas of competence of administrative units;
  • works with other state authorities and other bodies and organisations to ensure and increase the efficiency of administrative units and the State as a whole;
  • proposes education and training courses for employees of administrative units and organises such courses in cooperation with individual ministries and administrative units.