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In the Sector for Regulatory Quality and Development Planning, we strive to prepare better regulations and policies, i.e., those based on studies and facts, and are developed with public or stakeholder involvement while avoiding the creation of unnecessary administrative burdens. To this end, we carry out tasks in the areas of better legislation, elimination of administrative obstacles, development planning, and quality and innovation in public administration.

Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of regulations and policies, thereby simplifying the lives of citizens and the operations of businesses. We recognize that only quality legislation and policies can enhance the competitiveness of the economy, open up markets, improve the standard of living for citizens, increase transparency, and strengthen trust in public institutions.

In our division, we primarily carry out the following tasks:

  • Providing systematic and methodological support to content holders of regulations at all stages of the regulatory lifecycle;
  • Collaborating with key stakeholders during the regulation preparation process and after their implementation, including preparing individual proposals for measures to eliminate administrative barriers;
  • Systematically reviewing regulatory proposals from the perspective of better legislation principles and the elimination and prevention of administrative obstacles;
  • Providing systematic and methodological support to content holders of development planning documents at all stages of the development planning lifecycle and systematically reviewing development planning document proposals from the perspective of development policy principles;
  • Developing and implementing quality management systems in public administration;
  • Coordinating the innovation community in public administration, developing new tools, methods, and approaches in policy-making, and ensuring their transfer to the broader context.

We are responsible for the STOP Bureaucracy portal (in slovenian), through which we receive initiatives to eliminate administrative obstacles or improve regulations. We analyze the initiatives, assess their feasibility, and coordinate activities for their implementation. Part of our responsibilities also includes ensuring the implementation of the received initiatives, which are transformed into measures with clearly defined goals, implementation deadlines, and stakeholders, consolidated in the Single Measures Collection application for a better legislative and business environment.

Through the Policy Lab project (Stičišče za oblikovanje politik, in slovenian), we enable the development of new and comprehensive solutions in the field of policies and measures in the public sector. The primary aim of the project is to strengthen the process of co-designing public policies that contribute to the transition to a circular economy, particularly by involving stakeholders at an early stage of policy or regulation preparation, i.e., before the draft regulation or strategy is developed and submitted for public consultation.

In public administration organizations, we introduce and promote the use of the CAF model - the Common Assessment Framework for public sector organizations, which is a European-recognized tool for quality management (in slovenian).

In the field of better legislation, trust, and innovation, we collaborate with various international organizations, such as the OECD and Climate KIC.