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The Directorate has three divisions and two sections. The main tasks of the Directorate include the systemic regulation of public procurement in the Republic of Slovenia (preparation of regulations on public procurement, harmonisation of Slovenian regulations in the field of public procurement with EU law, systemic monitoring of and participation in the harmonisation of EU regulations with regulations of the World Trade Organisation in the field of public procurement, and preparation of materials for working bodies of the European Commission and other EU institutions), carrying out public procurement procedures for the Ministry of Public Administration and joint public procurement procedures, the standardisation of standard procurements, including the preparation of sample contract documents for specific types of contract, the development of e-services in the field of public procurement, and the provision of assistance to contracting authorities and economic operators that carry out or participate in public procurement procedures.

Organisational units of the Directorate

  • Division for the Public Procurement System

    Ministry of Public Administration
    Public Procurement Directorate

    Tržaška cesta 21
    1000 Ljubljana

  • Division for E-Procurement, Consultation, and Analytics

    Ministry of Public Administration
    Public Procurement Directorate

    Tržaška cesta 21
    1000 Ljubljana

  • Division for the Implementation of Public Procurement

    Ministry of Public Administration
    Public Procurement Directorate

    Tržaška cesta 21
    1000 Ljubljana