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The aim of the Directorate is to increase the competitiveness and productivity of Slovenian companies, to foster their green, creative and smart development and to accelerate their growth.

It promotes entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial potential. It provides knowledge and resources for a supportive environment for entrepreneurship, access to financing and incentives for the establishment, growth and development of enterprises, and enables the development of a social economy and transformation into a green, circular and digital economy.

Furthermore, the Directorate formulates policies and implements measures to facilitate the integration of Slovenian companies in international markets and to increase investment in Slovenia. Our measures for internationalisation support Slovenian companies at various levels of export activity. To encourage investment in Slovenia, financial incentives are granted in accordance with the Investment Promotion Act.

The Directorate implements measures in cooperation with implementing institutions, including the Slovenian Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation, Foreign Investments and Technology (SPIRIT Slovenia), the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovene Enterprise Fund and SID Bank.


Policies and Topics

  • International economic cooperation

    Internationalisation as an important factor of economic growth, added value and competitiveness is of strategic importance to the Slovenian economy.

  • Employee Participation in Profit Sharing

    Based on an agreement on employee participation in profit sharing registered with the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, a company may pay its employees a certain percentage of the profit of an individual business year, which is subject to tax relief and social contribution relief.

  • Commercial law

    Company law in the Republic of Slovenia regulates the rules for the establishment and operation of commercial companies, sole proprietors, related parties, economic interest groupings, subsidiaries of foreign companies and transformation of their legal form.