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At the Consumer Protection and Competition Protection Division, we prepare regulations in the field of consumer protection and competition.

Zagotavljamo izvajanje javnih služb svetovanja potrošnikom, obveščanja in izobraževanja potrošnikov ter primerjalnih ocenjevanj blaga in storitev na podlagi podeljenih koncesij.

Na področju kreditiranja izdajamo dovoljenja za opravljanje storitev potrošniškega kreditiranja dajalcem kreditov iz nebančnega sektorja, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje, določene s predpisi. Vodimo tudi register izvajalcev izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov.

Policies and Topics

  • Consumer and competition protection

    Protection of consumer rights, inspection supervision, Consumer Protection Act, Consumer Protection against Unfair Commercial Practices Act, European Consumer Centre, Slovenian Competition Protection Agency, Prevention of the Restriction of Competition Act, cartels, concentrations of undertakings

  • Consumer credit

    Consumers sometimes need an additional source of financing in order to make a larger purchase. To this end, they can take out consumer credit.

  • Resolution of consumer disputes

    A consumer dispute is a domestic or cross-border dispute arising from a contractual relationship between the trader (supplier of goods or services) and the consumer. If the consumer cannot resolve the dispute with the trader through direct negotiations or complaint, they have the option of an out of court resolution of consumer disputes with the selected body registered and included on the list of out of court dispute resolution bodies at the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport.

  • Competition protection

    The aim of competition protection is to ensure fair competition between undertakings on the market and consequently a greater variety of choice and better quality goods and services at lower prices for consumers.

  • Consumer protection

    Consumer protection is the provision and promotion of consumer rights. As consumers are considered to be the weaker party on the market, their interests are protected both by law and in practice, in particular through consumer information and education and consumer advice.

  • Consumer product safety and RAPEX

    As consumers are a particularly vulnerable group, a high level of consumer protection must be secured by taking measures to ensure that only safe products are placed on the market. Where a dangerous product is present on the market, the EU Member State concerned informs the other EU Member States. It does so via the information system for the rapid exchange of information between the EU Member States and the Commission on measures and action taken on products (RAPEX).

  • Consumer advice and the European Consumer Centre Slovenia

    Consumers that experience problems when exercising their rights in relation to Slovenian traders can call a free telephone number operating within the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport. Consumers who made a purchase in another EU Member State, in Norway or Iceland can contact the European Consumer Centre Slovenia operating within the same ministry for advice or assistance.