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At the Legal Service, we conduct and make decisions in administrative procedures at the second level in matters from the field of market inspection and on matters within the competence of the ministry when no other internal organisational unit of the ministry is competent to conduct or make decisions in the administrative procedure. We also conduct and make decisions in minor offence proceedings under the jurisdiction of the ministry.

The Legal Service offers general legal support to the minister, all directorates and services of the ministry, and bodies within the ministry in the performance of professional tasks and in the preparation of proposals for legal texts and implementing regulations from the entire work area of the ministry. We also manage relations with the State Attorney’s Office.

We coordinate tasks in the field of public information and carry out tasks following from the Integrity and Prevention of Corruption Act.

We prepare and implement public contracts in accordance with the adopted rules, from the preparation of appropriate documentation to the management of procedures. We also maintain an archive of documentation on public procurement. We prepare internal regulations and participate in the preparation of legislation in the field of public procurement.