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The Police and Security Directorate is responsible for directing and supervising the work of the Police, resolving complaints about the work of police officers before the Ministry’s panels, and directing and supervising the Police in resolving complaints at first instance. It grants public authorisation for the provision of detective services and private security and safety on ski slopes and supervises the work of municipal authorities, administrations and municipal warden services. It issues personnel security clearances for the employees of the Ministry and employees of other bodies and facility security clearances for organisations and their employees. It keeps records of licence holders and persons who have been issued with a service ID card for the provision of private security services and records of supervisors on ski slopes. It manages the register of the classified information of the Ministry and the Internal Affairs Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia. It prepares systemic solutions for the activities and action of the Ministry, the Police and the Internal Affairs Inspectorate in crisis and emergency situations and in times of war and performs protection, rescue and relief tasks in such situations.


  • Division for System Guidelines and Supervision of Police

    Ministry of the Interior
    Police and Security Directorate

    Štefanova ulica 2
    1501 Ljubljana

  • Police Complaints Division

    Ministry of the Interior
    Police and Security Directorate

    Štefanova ulica 2
    1501 Ljubljana

  • Division for Private Security and Municipal Warden Services

    Ministry of the Interior
    Police and Security Directorate

    Štefanova ulica 2
    1501 Ljubljana

  • Information Security and Data Management Division

    Ministry of the Interior
    Police and Security Directorate

    Štefanova ulica 2
    1501 Ljubljana

  • Security Planning Division

    Ministry of the Interior
    Police and Security Directorate

    Litostrojska cesta 54
    1501 Ljubljana

  • Division for Systemic Normative Regulation and Analysis

    Ministry of the Interior
    Police and Security Directorate

    Litostrojska cesta 54
    1501 Ljubljana