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State Prosecutorial Council

The State Prosecutors’ Council is an autonomous state authority that performs the tasks and duties of state prosecution self-governance, ensures the uniformity of prosecution and participates in safeguarding the autonomy of state prosecutors.

The State Prosecutors’ Council appoints and dismisses the heads of district state prosecutors’ offices, assesses the performance of state prosecutors and is responsible for their promotion and transfers, provides opinions on prosecution policy, and assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of state prosecutors’ offices.

The State Prosecutors’ Council is composed of nine members; four members are elected by state prosecutors from among the state prosecutors who do not hold management positions, with one of them appointed to the position of supreme state prosecutor, one of them to the position of higher state prosecutor, one of them to the position of district state prosecutor and one of them to the position of local state prosecutor; four members are elected by the National Assembly on the proposal the President of the Republic from among legal experts; and one member is appointed by the Minister of Justice from among the heads of district state prosecutors’ offices. The members of the State Prosecutors’ Council are appointed for a period of six years and may not be re-elected or reappointed.