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The digitalisation of business brings huge growth opportunities, as it is estimated that digitally proactive companies can perform up to 10 times better than their peers that are not yet using digital technologies.

The intensive and innovative use of information and communication technology (ICT) offers opportunities to reduce operating costs, increase labour efficiency, strengthen innovation capacity, improve consumer engagement and expand into new markets. These companies are characterised by high growth potential, low initial investment in equipment and fast access to global markets.

Slovenia is ranked 13th in the EU in the Digital Economy Index 2021, and 8th in the EU in terms of the integration of digital technology in businesses. We aim to improve this result in the future.

Strategic Orientations for the Digitisation and Digital Transformation of the Slovenian Economy

The Digitalisation and Digital Transformation Programme was designed to provide a supportive environment for digitalisation and transformation, to increase internationalisation through greater use of ICT, to strengthen the digital competences of employees and managers, and to introduce digital transformation in companies.

The programme comprises complementary actions, for which €32.85 million is allocated until 2023.

Strategy for the Digital Transformation of the Economy

  • Strategy for the Digital Transformation of the Economy

    The Digital Economy Transformation Strategy defines how Slovenia will ensure the transition to a modern digital economy over the next decade. By 2030, Slovenia will become a leading hub for advanced digital technologies in Europe and will be among the top three European countries in the Advanced Digital Technology Adoption Index.
    Strategies and programmes

Digital Innovation Hub

Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) acts as a one-stop shop in the field of digitisation and connects the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, TP Ljubljana, SRIP Factories of the Future, SRIP ICT Horizontal Network, the FABLABs network, TECOS Celje and the Lesarski Grozd, and IIBA. Its activities are aimed at creating an ecosystem for the digitalisation of the economy by reviewing supply and demand in the market, contributing to the development of a catalogue of digital competences, and preparing catalogues of mentors, consultants and training courses. It promotes digitisation and connects stakeholders in Slovenia and internationally. It also provides advice and guidance to businesses.

Measures to Promote the Digitalisation of the Economy

Support of the digital transformation of businesses is carried out through:

  • grants (subsidies),
  • repayable funds (equity, seed, venture, (micro) loans and interest-rate subsidy guarantees); and
  • by combining different forms (for example, seed capital combined with non-financial support in the form of guidance and training).

By applying to the calls, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in the Republic of Slovenia have the opportunity to improve their digital competences, develop a digital strategy and digital marketing more quickly. The aim is to strengthen business development and innovation to make the economy more competitive and businesses more adaptable to market conditions. This is particularly important in the light of accelerating digitisation and competitiveness.

Cross-border Multi-Country Projects on Advanced Digital Technologies

Cross-border multi-country projects are European Union-level projects designed to strengthen competitiveness, added value, innovation and resilience and increase the EU's strategic autonomy. They take various forms, such as:

  • cross-border projects, which are carried out in several EU countries;
  • Important Projects of Common European Interest, IPCEI;
  • projects implemented through Joint Undertakings;
  • project Alliances for the future implementation of joint European projects;
  • Horizon Europe project partnerships.

The Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport is implementing three cross-border multi-country projects under the Recovery and Resilience Plan and supports Slovenian companies to engage in all of the above-mentioned EU and global networking. €10 million is earmarked for this purpose.

  • The Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport intends to implement the European Common Data Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS) project as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, more specifically under the Digital Economy Transformation component.

  • With the European Infrastructure for Blockchain Services (EABS) hub, an appropriate test infrastructure for blockchains will be put in place, contributing to more reliable cross-border, national and local services.

  • Important Projects of Common European Interest, IPCEI) "Microelectronics-2" strengthens the EU Member States' capacity to build and enhance EU autonomy and resilience in semiconductor value chains, in which Slovenia intends to participate, as part of the national Recovery and Resilience Plan – Digital Transformation of the Economy.

Implementing Digitisation Measures

Measures on digitisation and digital transformation of the economy are carried out by the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, the public agency Spirit Slovenia, Slovenian Enterprise Fund (SEF) and SID Bank

In view of the importance of digitisation and digital transformation for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the Public Enterprise Fund of the Republic of Slovenia has announced the following public calls for vouchers for the preparation of digital strategy, digital marketing and digital competences.

A wide range of experts and training programmes are available to all beneficiaries of the digitisation calls to help them on their way to a successful digital transformation. They are listed in the two catalogues of training and counsellingrun by DIH Slovenia and published on the DIH Slovenia website. More than 230 verified training providers and external experts are currently registered, and the catalogue is updated with new entries every month. In addition, DIH Slovenia is responsible for giving a preliminary positive opinion for the project, which must be obtained by the applicant, in the field of digital marketing and for obtaining the voucher for the digital strategy. 

The Slovenian Business Points (SPOT) network advisers are also available to provide applicants with free information and assistance in preparing their applications for the calls.