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The emergency call numbers include the common European emergency call number 112, number for the police 113, the uniform European telephone number for reporting missing children 116 000, and all other numbers defined in the national numbering plan.

The uniform telephone number for emergency calls in the EU is 112

When do we dial 112?

  1. If you need emergency medical treatment, the fire department, veterinary assistance, mountain or cave rescue service, other rescue units, or the police.
  2. If you see a fire, a dangerous substance leaking, polluted drinking water, stream, river or sea, danger of landslide or avalanche, cut electrical or telephone wires, or any other phenomena which pose a threat for the health or life of people and animals, or for the safety of property, cultural heritage, and the environment.
  3. During a disaster, or increased threat of a natural or other disaster, or otherwise, if you need information regarding interruption in the supply of drinking water, electricity and gas, or interruption in the telephone network, and on the snow covering situation in the mountains.

Emergency call 112

When you dial 112, provide the following information:

  • Who is calling.
  • What happened.
  • Where it happened.
  • When it happened.
  • How many are injured.
  • What the injuries are.
  • What the circumstances at the scene are (fire, hazardous substances, damaged gas or other connections).
  • What help you need.

Emergency SMS

When you text an emergency SMS:

  • Type what happened.
  • Include the type of help you need (medical help, firefighters, the police).
  • Check the information entered, correct if necessary, and send.
  • The emergency SMS sent is displayed on the computer at the nearest information centre. An alarm sound warns the operator. When the call is taken, the operator receives the message and the approximate location of the sender.
  • The operator will respond to your emergency call in writing. Their reply or additional questions will be displayed on the screen of your mobile device.
  • You can respond to the received message, send additional information, or close it. The operator may also end the call. Whether the call has been closed and the name of the person who closed it are displayed on your phone and on the screen of the computer in the information centre.

The 112 emergency text call is primarily meant for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons. You can activate it on all GSM mobile phones.

Legal notification

When dialling 112, we automatically acquire information on the telephone number and location of the caller. Calls to the operator at the regional information centre or the rescuers are recorded. The information is stored for 6 months. Misuse of the 112 call and the signs for help and danger arepunishable offences.

Accidents vary

Accidents vary. However, the following applies to all:

  • stay calm, this is the only way to help yourself and others
  • first help yourself, then help others
  • seek first aid from people who are at the scene or in the vicinity
  • if you cannot manage the situation on your own, call the emergency call number 112
  • time is very important, therefore do everything you know and can do.

Regional information centres

A total of 13 regional information centres (hereinafter: ReCO) are active in the framework of the Administration of the RS for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, which ensures a 24-hour, 365 days a year, efficient response service in the event of a natural or other disaster, on the European emergency call number 112. The ReCO tasks are defined in laws and regulations, and are summarised as follows:

  • operating a dispatch service for firefighting units, emergency medical services, mountain, cave, underwater and other rescue services (excluding police units, which fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the organised Operations and Communication Centres (OKC), available on the number 113)
  • collection and processing of information on the performed intervention services and accidents, and exceptional events
  • submission of the required information to rescue services, state bodies, local communities, the media
  • declaring emergencies
  • public alarm services (the system is tested every first Saturday of the month at 12.00)
  • submission of instructions to residents for acting in the event of danger or accidents
  • ensuring logistical support to rescue services in the field

The residents of Slovenia, as well as other residents in the European union, are familiar with the information centres, mainly through the telephone number 112, which they dial in the event of a natural or other disaster, or event which may threaten the lives and safety of people or animals and property, when the emergency medical assistance, firefighters, mountain or cave rescuers, or other rescue services are needed. ReCO also provides information to the competent bodies and the public regarding the given situation, and instructions for taking action; it can declare an emergency or dispatch forces for protection, rescue, and assistance (ZRP forces) to the location, and inform the competent bodies and services.

When ZRP forces need to intervene, quick and correct action is key, which must be based on accurate information. The competent ReCO also participates in ensuring logistical support to the ZRP forces in the field, and monitors and records the course of the intervention.

When 112 is dialled, ReCOs take appropriate measures with their independent and unconnected information and telecommunication systems, which record all the incoming and outgoing telephone calls on the ISDN telephone central.

For that metter they use the GIS_UJME geographical information system; 

  • for spatial orientation and for locating the site of the accident, where, based on the provided address of the accident (place, street, house number), such as, for example, Dunajska 123,
  • the location of the accident in a natural environment, such as the Triglav northern wall,
  • or the title of the business entity (company XYZ) and
  • the area of jurisdiction of the ZRP which operate in the area, and the overview of data from these forces, for activating the ZRP forces by sending short text messages to holders of call receivers, performing public alarm services, and reviewing data on the most commonly used hazardous substances and procedures for their handling in the event of an accident.

Emergency number 113

113 is the emergency telephone number for the police, which is used to report public order violations, traffic accidents and criminal act, i.e. when immediate help or intervention of the police is required. Police officers who take calls on this number can immediately dispatch an appropriate police patrol to the scene.

Dial 113:

  • if you were involved in, or witnessed, a traffic accident,
  • if you were a victim of, or witnessed, a criminal offence,
  • if you believe your peace has been disturbed,      
  • or if you believe that the police can protect your safety in another way.