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The manufacture of wood products is an important activity in terms of development, job creation and economic strengthening. The wood chain is divided into areas in which logs are processed into products. The activities carried out during each stage of manufacture require certain know-how and consideration of wood’s characteristics.

Primary wood processing

The primary wood processing industry includes sawmills, wood-processing centres and veneer mills. It constitutes an important link in the Slovenian wood supply chain and forms the basis for the development of the wood industry. If all harvested wood were processed, up to several hundred euros of value added could be generated per cubic metre. It would also reduce unemployment, especially in rural areas, and preserve the settlement pattern of remote areas.


In order to make the best use of precious wood species, it is planned to set up veneer plants that cut the wood into thin sheets, which are used as decorative material in the furniture industry’s high-quality products. The raw material for veneer is created mainly from hardwoods and fruit trees. Our aim is to increase veneer production by at least half of the current volume processed, which is why we offer companies better conditions to obtain funding and encourage them to integrate. The lower-quality raw material is used for peeled veneer, which is an important semi-finished product for further processing. It is used for packaging (wooden crates) or glued elements (plywood).

Working conditions

Our aim in primary wood processing is to increase the quantity, quality and value yield of logs. We support the modernisation of sawmills to increase production capacity. We also aim to introduce as high a level of automation as possible in our primary wood production plants, using computer technology, which would contribute to improving safety at work and working conditions.

Semi-finished product

The basic properties of wood can be improved through several technological processes, which also increases wood's utility and market value. Semi-finished products are divided into the composites of primary and secondary manufacturing. These products are used in the furniture industry and as structural elements. Such treatment improves wood’s mechanical properties and increases its resistance. We strive to achieve self-sufficiency for raw materials in the furniture and construction industries, which is why we encourage foreign investments in existing wood processing companies. The aim is to enable companies to be competitive at home and abroad.

Furniture industry and new products

The Slovenian furniture industry produces more than 100,000 bedroom sets and almost 300,000 dining and living room sets a year. Support for furniture manufacturers is based on export promotion, as we aim to export at least half of the manufactured products to foreign markets. The Slovenian industry has the advantage of being able to manufacture unique products with higher value added.

Expertise and new technologies lead to new products being created in the wood industry. One of these is nanocellulose, which is considered a new product in the wood industry and shows great potential for use.

The pharmaceutical industry has always used products derived from trees. New technologies for leaching substances from wood have led to the replacement of artificially extracted substances with natural juices and oils. We promote the use of natural substances that have a beneficial effect on the user without side effects.