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Games of chance are games in which participants who in exchange for a certain amount have the same chances of winning a prize and where the outcome of a game exclusively or prevailingly depends on chance or a random event. The system of operating games of chance is regulated in such a way that games of chance are performed in a regulated and controlled environment in order to prevent money laundering, fraud and other criminal acts or practices contrary to public order. Minors and other vulnerable persons are protected against the damaging effects of excessive participation in games of chance; all participants in such games are safeguarded.

Classic games of chance

The classic games of chance (Lotteries and Betting) are numerical lotteries, instant lotteries, quiz lotteries, bingo games, lotto games, sport predictions, sport betting, raffles and other similar games. Classic games of chance can be operated on an occasional or ongoing basis.

Occasional operation of classic games of chance

Classic games of chance may be operated occasionally only by societies and non-profit humanitarian organisations with a registered office on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, which are appointed by the Government for the purpose of obtaining funds for the financing of activities laid down in the regulations of the operator. An operator may operate a numerical lottery, a bingo game or a raffle only once a year with a single draw. The ministry responsible for finance decides on the application for the operation of a classic game of chance whereas the rules of classic games of chance are confirmed by the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. It is not necessary to obtain a licence for the organisation of a bingo game or a raffle within the cultural or entertainment programme of an operator if the total value of the tickets does not exceed the amount set by the ministry responsible for finance and if the value of individual prizes does not exceed the amount subject to the tax on prizes from games of chance.

Ongoing operation of classic games of chance

On the territory of the Republic of Slovenia no more than two operators may operate classic games of chance on an ongoing basis pursuant to the concession granted. Only one concession may be granted for an individual classic game of chance; the granting of a concession for the ongoing operation of classic games of chance is subject to a decision of the Government.

The Ministry of Finance keeps a register of operators of classic games of chance, which also contains a list of concessions granted for the operation of classic games of chance on an ongoing basis.

Special games of chance

Special games of chance (Casino Games) are games played by the players against the gaming house or against each other on special gaming tables by means of balls, dice, cards, on gaming panels or gaming machines, as well as bettings and other similar games in compliance with international standards. Special games of chance may be operated in casinos and gaming halls on the basis of a granted concession. On the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government may grant no more than 15 concessions for operating special games of chance in casinos and 45 concessions for operating special games of chance in gaming halls. The granting and extension of concessions for operating special games of chance is subject to a decision of the Government.

Administrative procedures

The administrative procedures relating to the operation of games of chance are included in the list of administrative procedures. The costs relating to administrative procedures and the costs of the procedure are published in Instructions for the payment of administrative fees and costs of procedures.

Supervisory authority

The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, which carries out these tasks within the Special Financial Office, is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Gaming Act.

Strategy for the development of games of chance

The strategy for the development of games of chance in Slovenia is the core development document on games of chance in the next decade. The strategy is adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and will be updated as circumstances change.