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Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide both worldwide and in the European Union (EU). It has been in use for several decades. In recent years, the EU Member States, the European Chemicals Agency an the European Food Safety Authority have thoroughly evaluated its safety for human and animal health and the Environment. Based on an extensive review of scientific evidence and implementation of a risk assessment, they concluded that active substance glyphosate meets the criteria for extending the approval form Artice 4 of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009.

Use of glyphosate

Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide belonging to the group of non-selective herbicides. It suppresses all plants that they have been treted with. The use of glyphosate in Slovenia has been limited to agricultural areas and professional users only, as there are currently no suitable alternative herbicides or non-chemical methods with a simmilar effect available. The use of glyphosate is limited to the treatment before sowing or planting, after harvesting the crop to clean the surface and to control weeds in permanent plantations. 

Glyphosate in the Republic of Slovenia

There are 13 PPP containing glyphosate authorised in Slovenia in February 2024. They have been authorised for weed control in permanent plantations, tree nurseries, maize and cereals before sowing, stubbles, grasslands and pastures. 

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has banned the use of all herbicides (pesticides for weed control) in public areas from October 1, 2019, by adopting national rules. With the amendments to these rules, which entered into force  on December  8, 2022, the use of certain herbicides not containing glyphosate has been permitted on railways, on the median separation lane of motorways or expressways and on the banks of motorways or expressways.

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has adopted a decision (in Slovenian language) stating, that the Slovenian Government has been in favour of banning the use of gyphosate, while an adequate adjustment period for agriculture shall be alowed. The Government has been committed to optimising, reducing, and professionalising the use of PPP. The Government believes there has been an excessive "chemicalisation" of agricultural food and feed production in recent decades, while the fact is that agricultural production without PPP is not possible in a short term. 

Sales of glyphosate in the Republic of Slovenia by year

The table shows the data on sales of glyphosate by individual years

Sales of glyphosate by year tones
2007 86.4
2008 80.1
2009 86.4
2010 67.3
2011 83.8
2012 88.9
2013 50.8
2014 72.5
2015 72.8
2016 91.6
2017 85.5
2018 97.7
2019 85.2
2020 91.5
2021 80.7
2022 68.3
