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Metrological supervision is performed by inspectors of the Metrology Institute in the field of measuring instruments on the market (market surveillance) and in service, units of measurement, quantities of pre-packaged products and precious metals articles. Supervision is carried out in accordance with material regulations in order to ensure consumer protection.

Areas of metrological supervision

Metrological supervision is performed for measuring instruments, measuring units, pre-packaged products and precious metal articles.

Measuring instruments

Supervision in the field of measuring instruments is carried out in accordance with the Metrology Act and metrological regulations issued on the basis thereof. We control measuring instruments on the market (market surveillance) and measuring instrument in service (use). The subject of the supervision are the instruments for which there is a metrological regulation and which are used for measurements in the fields of protection of human and animal health, environmental protection and general technical safety, trade in goods and services, proceedings before administrative and judicial authorities.

As a rule, metrological supervision is performed at the place where the measuring instrument is used or where the measuring instruments are on the market. If it is necessary to perform a control test of the instrument and this cannot be done at the place of use or on the market, the test is performed in a properly authorised laboratory.

During the supervision or surveillance, we control the identity and compliance of the measuring instrument with the accompanying prescribed documentation (type examination certificate, declaration of conformity,…), the validity of the verification of the instrument, the adequacy of metrological and security markings and software and the correct use of the measuring instrument.

When performing a test of a measuring instrument at the place where the measuring instrument is used or when measuring instrument is on the market, we check whether it meets the prescribed metrological and technical requirements (especially whether the error of indicating the measuring instrument is within the maximum permissible errors).

Units of measurement

In the Republic of Slovenia, the units of measurement of the international SI system are in public use, in accordance with the Order on Units of Measurement. Supervision is carried out mainly in the manner of raising awareness and warning responsible persons who use unauthorised units of measurement. The most common illicit units of measurement found in public use (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, brochures, promotional material and websites) are calorie, inch, horsepower, mile, foot, barrel, ounce, and so on.  

The use of unauthorised units is only permitted if they are written or expressed together with the prescribed units, but they must be written in parentheses placed after the permitted unit of measurement e.g. 7.62 cm (3 "inches"). 

Pre-packaged products

Supervision is performed on pre-packaged products which has uniform nominal quantities, are marked by weight or volume and where the quantity of product is within the range 5 g to 10 kg or 5 ml to 10 L. Our supervision includes checking of the requirements defined in the Metrology Act and the Rules on the Quantities of Pre-packaged Products and the Rules on Metrological Requirements for Measuring Bottles.

Inspections are carried out at places where products are packaged or stored. When inspecting pre-packaged products, we are checking the actual quantities of content in the products, conformity of the measuring instruments, documentation on performing internal quantity control, markings on product packaging (who is responsible for packaging, nominal product quantity, the voluntary EEC e-mark), and for packers, who using the e-mark , we check also a questionnaire completed by the holder of the e-mark.

Precious metal articles

According to the Precious Metals Products Act, all gold, silver, palladium and platinum products must be tested for product fineness and properly marked before they can be placed on the market. As a rule (with the exceptions listed in Article 6 of the Act), products must bear the following markings: a hallmark, the mark of the supplier and a fineness mark.

Supervisory inspections are carried out everywhere where precious metals are traded, mostly in the premises of suppliers of precious products such as jewellery shops, other shops and websites. During the inspection, the  inspectors mainly check whether the products are properly marked, as well as other requirements that must be met by suppliers or sellers of these products. If there is any suspicion of non-compliance or a need for the additional inspection of products, inspectors may order a product test in the laboratory, where they check the compliance of the fineness of the products.