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In Slovenia, seeds and propagating material of agricultural plant varieties may be grown and marketed, if these varieties are entered in the official list (register) of varieties in one of the Member States of the European Union (EU) or entered in Common Catalogue or List of Varieties of the EU. At fruit plants, the variety shall be entered in the official list of varieties or protected in line with regulations governing the protection of new plant varieties. In case of ornamental plant species, an entry of variety in the official list (register) is not mandatory.

Plant Variety List

Official list of varieties in the Republic of Slovenia is called the National List of Varieties.

To be entered in the National List of Varieties, a plant variety shall be distinct, uniform, and stable (DUS). In case of agricultural plants, vine and hop, the value for production and use of the plant variety shall be verified prior to entry in the National List of Varieties. The plant variety shall have a name, by which it is recognisable.

Under specific conditions, a conservation variety, an amateur variety, or an old fruit plant variety may be entered in the National List of Varieties.

  • Conservation variety means a domestic variety or a variety of fodder plant, cereal, beet, oil and fibre plant, potato, vegetable plant, or vine, which is traditionally grown and is naturally adapted to local and regional conditions and is threatened due to genetic erosion.
  • Amateur variety means a variety of a vegetable plant, which has no intrinsic value for commercial crop production, but has been developed for growing under particular climatic, soil or agrotechnical conditions.
  • Old fruit variety means a variety of fruit plant, the seed and propagating material whereof had been marketed on the territory of Slovenia prior to 30 September 2012.

Conditions for entry in the National List of Varieties are verified by testing the varieties in a field test and in laboratory. Tests are conducted by officially designated test providers.

A variety is entered in the National List of Varieties by the official name, and at certain species of varieties, also by one or several synonyms. For each variety, data on the maintainer of a variety and period of variety entry validity are kept in the National List of Varieties.

At entry of a variety in the National List of Varieties, the variety standard sample is kept by the institution designated for preservation of standard samples.

Entry of a variety into the National List of Varieties

Title Institution
Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection

Annual fees for varieties entered in the National List of Varieties

An annual fee shall be payable for a variety entered in the National List of Varieties. The annual fee shall be paid in the beginning of a calendar year for the current year of entry of the variety in the National List of Varieties. Annual fee shall be paid by the maintainer of a variety.

Annual fee level is defined by Decree on the annual fee for varieties entered in the Agricultural Plant Variety List and on fees and costs for plant variety protection (in Slovenian language Uredba o višini letne pristojbine za sorte, vpisane v sortno listo kmetijskih rastlin, ter o pristojbinah in stroških za varstvo sort rastlin).

If the annual fee is not paid, the Decision on entry of a variety in the national list of varieties shall be repealed, and the variety deleted from the National List of Varieties.

Deletion of a variety from the National List of Varieties

A variety shall be deleted from the National List of Varieties:

  • On expiry of period, up to which it has been entered in the National List of Varieties, and its entry in the National List of Varieties has not been renewed.
  • On proposal of variety maintainer.
  • If at variety maintenance verification it is found that the variety is not sufficiently distinct anymore, or that its characteristics have been modified.
  • If the annual fee has not been paid.

National List of Varieties Publication, and Official Gazette AFSVSPP

National List of Varieties Publication

In National List of Varieties publication, a list of varieties of agricultural plants, vegetable plants, fruit plants and of vines is published once a year, which have been entered in the National List of Varieties in the Republic of Slovenia. The publication also includes a list of the officially approved clones of the vines, and a list of varieties protected in the Republic of Slovenia.

National List of Varieties of agricultural plants, vegetable plants, fruit plants and vines is published once a year in the printed and electronic format.

AFSVSPP Publications Official Gazette

In AFSVSPP (Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection) Publications, data are published on the applications submitted, withdrawn or rejected for registration of varieties in the National List of Varieties, on proposals for denomination of varieties, data on entry or rejection of registration of varieties in the National List of Varieties, data on varieties to be deleted from the National List of Varieties, deadlines for filing applications for registration of varieties in the National List of Varieties, and for delivery of seeds and propagating material for variety value testing for production and use (VCU), and other notifications relevant to the procedure of entry of varieties in the National List of Varieties.

AFSVSPP Publications is published as a quarterly periodic publication in the printed and electronic format.

Common Catalogue of Varieties of Plants

European Commission prepares and publishes on its website:

  • Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species,
  • Common Catalogue of Varieties of Vegetable Species,
  • Common Catalogue of Varieties of Fruit Genera and Species,
  • Common Catalogue of Varieties of Vine Propagating Material of the Genus Vitis.

In the above Common Catalogues of Varieties may be entered all the varieties, which have been entered in the official list of varieties, or in a National List of Varieties, at least in one EU Member State.