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The coat of arms, flag and national anthem of the Republic of Slovenia are symbols that indicate affiliation with the Republic of Slovenia. Slovenia also adopted the flag and anthem of the European Union when it became a member of this international community in 2004.

Coat of arms of the Republic of Slovenia

The coat of arms of Slovenia is in the form of a shield. The centre of the shield depicts Mount Triglav, as an emblem in white colour on a blue background, with two wavy lines below it symbolising the sea and rivers and three golden six-point stars arranged above it in the shape of a point-down triangle. The shield features a red border on two of its sides. The coat of arms is designed in accordance with a set standard of geometry and colour.

Geometric rule for the design of the coat of arms

The three-dimensional image of the coat of arms is divided into an upper concave and a lower convex section. A soft transition is created between them that runs diagonally from the left and right sides along the outer edges of the Mount Triglav emblem. The "geometric rule for drawing the coat of arms" sets out the graphical lines of the coat of arms.

Colour rule for the design of the coat of arms

Blue C100 M60 Y0 K10 
Red C0 M100 Y100 K0 
Yellow C0 M10 Y100 K0 
White C0 M0 Y0 K0 

Blue N46 N722509 
Red N23 N074014 
Yellow N6 N197512 
White N1 N95

Flag of the Republic of Slovenia

The flag of Slovenia is the white–blue–red Slovene national flag bearing the coat of arms of Slovenia. The ratio between the width and length of the flag is one to two. 

The colours of the flag are, in the following order, white, blue and red. Each colour occupies a horizontal band covering one third of the flag. The coat of arms is positioned in the upper left canton of the flag such that it is positioned with one half in the white band and the other half in the blue band.

Colour rule for the design of the coat of arms

Blue C100 M60 Y0 K10 
Red C0 M100 Y100 K0 
Yellow C0 M10 Y100 K0 
White C0 M0 Y0 K0 

Blue N46 N722509 
Red N23 N074014 
Yellow N6 N197512 
White N1 N95

Displaying the flag

The flag of the Republic of Slovenia is displayed on a flagpole along its width. From top to bottom the colours follow the order of white, blue, red. The coat of arms, viewed from the front, is in the upper left canton of the flag.

Displaying the flag with other flags

The flag of the Republic of Slovenia should be displayed in the position of honour, i.e. to the left of other flags.

The European Union’s flag should be displayed together with the flag of the Republic of Slovenia, whereby the Slovenian flag is positioned to the left. In exceptional cases, the Slovenian flag is displayed to the right of a foreign nation’s or international organisation’s flag when the latter flag is displayed upon the official visit of a foreign head of state or an authorised representative of an international organisation.

Displayed flags are flown at half-mast in times of mourning.

  • The flag in different formats

    Promotional publications

National anthem of the Republic of Slovenia

The national anthem of the Republic of Slovenia is the seventh stanza of Zdravljica [A Toast], by France Prešeren (1800–1849) set to a piece of music of the same name composed by Stanko Premrl (1880–1965). The lyrics of Slovenia’s national anthem, in English translation by Janko Lavrin, are:

God’s blessing on all nations, 
Who long and work for that bright day, 
When o’er earth’s habitations 
No war, no strife shall hold its sway; 
Who long to see 
That all men free 
No more shall foes, but neighbours be.

The EU flag

The flag of the European Union consists of a circle of 12 stars on a blue background. The number of stars symbolises harmony, unity and solidarity and is not related to the number of Member States. 

The flag should only be displayed in combination with the flag of the Republic of Slovenia, with the latter being given the position of honour.

The EU anthem

The anthem of the European Union is Ode to Joy (Ode an die Freude) from the last movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9. In Slovenia, it is played at receptions with military honours, at official visits of the President of the European Commission or the President of the European Parliament, and at official ceremonies to celebrate Europe day; it may also be played at other important events related to the European Union.

In Slovenia, the European Union’s anthem is always played together with the anthem of the Republic of Slovenia, whereby the latter is generally played first. In cases when they are played at receptions with military honours or at official visits of the President of the European Commission or the President of the European Parliament, the Slovenian national anthem is played after the EU anthem.