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Preserving and developing handicrafts

Artisans, as bearers of traditional handicraft skills, their handicraft products and handicrafts as an activity, are part of our national and regional identity, our cultural heritage and social identity.

Regulation of handicraft in Slovenia

The solutions for preserving handicraft and measures for its further development are systematically addressed in the Handicraft Preservation and Development Act. The Act takes into account all entities active in handicraft, provides for the orderly transfer of handicraft knowledge, skills and abilities, regulates the protection of high-quality handicraft products, regulates the awarding of the “Distinguished Artisan" title, promotes the mutual networking of those promoting the handicraft support environment, handicraft centres and handicraft organisations, supports their activities with a view to preserving and developing handicraft, and sets out measures for the preservation and development of handicraft, including by providing a legal basis for various forms of developmental financial incentives.

Handicraft disciplines

The wealth and diversity of handicraft knowledge, skills and abilities in Slovenia is remarkable, with more than 70 identified handicraft disciplines and new ones being developed. The long and diverse list attests to the rich tradition of handicraft knowledge and skills, and to their presence in society, and further to their identity and recognition, to intergenerational integration, and to new opportunities in the future.

Handicraft discipline is a narrower term for a particular type of handicraft activity characterised by a specific type of handicraft knowledge and skills.

Establishing a list of handicraft disciplines

The list of handicraft disciplines is prescribed by the Minister responsible for the economy by way of the Rules on the designation of handicraft disciplines. The Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport cooperates with the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum in drawing up the list of handicraft disciplines.

The description of a particular handicraft discipline includes an evaluation of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the discipline, the aspect of preserving regional distinctiveness and cultures, the protection and enrichment of cultural heritage, the aspect of identity and recognition, of social and economic progress, the description of the effects on intergenerational integration and lifelong learning, and the effects on tourism.

Support environment for handicrafts and its promoters

The support environment for handicrafts is made up of all entities active in handicraft:

  • natural persons (artisans, retired artisans, sole proprietors, self-employed workers in cultural heritage and creativity, those conducting handicraft-related supplementary activities on farms, those carrying out handicraft-related personal supplementary work),
  • legal persons, irrespective of their legal form (companies, public or private institutions, cooperatives, associations, chambers or other forms; hereinafter referred to as: handicraft organisations),
  • local communities and local action groups.

Promoters promote the activities and networking of entities active in handicraft:

The Handicraft Preservation and Development Act stipulates that a handicraft centre is a legal entity with its registered office in the Republic of Slovenia that has been active in handicraft for at least five years independently and in such a way that it brings together individual artisans or handicraft organisations, and which meets the following conditions:

  • it has premises for carrying out its activities,
  • it has at least two employees,
  • it cooperates with at least five artisans, each of whom has at least one certified handicraft product or holds the Distinguished Artisan title,
  • allows any interested artisans or handicraft organisation to participate,
  • has carried out at least three handicraft projects in a particular year, either alone or in cooperation with other entities, during the period of three years preceding the conclusion of the contract referred to in paragraph two of Article 15 of the Act,
  • has adopted a two-year work programme detailing the tasks referred to in paragraph one of Article 15 of this Act, which it intends to carry out during the current programming period.

The Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport selects the handicraft centres through an open call. Information on the publication of the open call will be available on the Ministry's website.

Programme for the preservation and development of handicrafts

The Programme for the Preservation and Development of Handicrafts is adopted by the Minister responsible for the economy, after prior consultation with those promoting the handicraft support environment and in cooperation with other ministries. It sets out the content and activities needed to implement the various measures for the preservation and development of handicrafts.

Developmental financial incentives

Developmental incentives are one of the measures for the preservation and development of handicrafts. Developmental financial incentives in the form of budgetary allocations are intended to (co-)finance the projects of those entities that are active in handicraft (artisans, natural and legal persons established in the Republic of Slovenia, and those promoting the handicraft support environment).

Information regarding the publication of open calls and open calls under the Handicraft Preservation and Development Act (including the conditions to be met by applicants, the criteria for assessing and evaluating applicants' projects, the criteria for determining the amount of funding, and similar) will be made available on the Ministry's website.

Measures for the preservation and development of handicrafts

The measures for the preservation and development of handicrafts are:

  • integrated preservation and development of handicrafts at national, regional and local levels, including the establishment of a programme for the preservation and development of handicrafts,
  • certification of handicraft products,
  • transfer of handicraft knowledge, skills and abilities, including the provision of training in the form of a handicraft scheme,
  • the award of the Distinguished Artisan title,
  • the implementation of the tasks of the handicraft support environment promoters, their mutual networking and networking with artisans,
  • the development of handicraft disciplines, including the naming of handicraft disciplines and the promotion of handicraft entrepreneurship,
  • the preservation of handicrafts and their recognition, and the promotion and supply of certified handicraft products, handicraft disciplines and artisans, in particular Distinguished Artisans,
  • the development of handicrafts and the promotion of contemporary artistic creation of handicraft products,
  • the integration of handicrafts in tourism and tourism products and services,
  • increasing employment in handicraft,
  • intergenerational networking and lifelong learning within handicraft,
  • development financial incentives, and
  • other measures.

Slovenian Handicraft Trademark

In order to raise awareness of the importance of preserving and developing handicrafts and to increase their visibility, we give all craftsmen, craftswomen and handicraft organisations the opportunity to use the Slovenian Handicraft Trademark. As its custodians, we encourage its use for promotional purposes.

The use of the mark is free of charge. Each user will implement it differently, but it is important to remember: the trademark and its logo may not be altered.

The promotional use of the Slovenian Handicrafts Trademark is subject to the authorisation of the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport.

Slovenian Handicraft Trademark

Slovenian Handicraft Trademark

“Distinguished Artisan” title

The “Distinguished Artisan” title certifies that the artisan has mastered a specific handicraft discipline and is qualified to pass on their handicraft knowledge.

An artisan may obtain this title by training in accordance with a handicraftsmanship scheme, which includes:

  • general pedagogical and andragogic content,
  • the practical part of training in the specific handicraft discipline, and
  • a practical test of the artisan's competence;

or, on the basis of the opinion of the panel for the award of Distinguished Artisan honorary title, taking into account the criteria laid down by law concerning:

  • the quality of their handicraft products; and
  • their competence to pass on handicraft skills independently.

The Distinguished Artisan certificate is issued by the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia. Information on Distinguished Artisan are available in a public register on the website of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.

Distinguished Artisan

Distinguished Artisan

The "Art&Craft Slovenia" certificate

The certificate for a handicraft product, issued based on the Handicraft Preservation and Development Act, certifies that the product is a high-quality handicraft product. Handicraft products are evaluated by a panel of experts in the fields of ethnology, cultural anthropology, art history and industrial and unique design.

The certificates are issued by the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia. Information on certified handicraft products is available in a public register on the website of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.

Art&Craft Slovenia

Art&Craft Slovenia