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The various registers and records are official sources of personal and other data on individuals, citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and foreigners exercising their rights or duties in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. The competent authorities issue extracts and certificates on the basis of entries in the registers and records.

Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths

The register of births, marriages and deaths is an electronic database containing a complete record of the civil status of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. It records the civil statuses (birth, marriage, civil union, death) that take place in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia (also concerning foreigners) and other changes in the civil statuses of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia (change of personal name, adoption, acknowledgement of paternity, divorce, declaration of legal incompetence, guardianship).

Procedure for issuing certificates and extracts from registers

We issue certificates from the register of births, marriages and deaths for specific facts and changes in civil status. Individuals can apply for an extract in person at any administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia or electronically on the e-Government portal using a qualified digital certificate.

If an extract is applied for in person at the administrative unit, applicants must enclose a valid identity document on the basis of which the official verifies their identity and a written consent of the person to whom the entry relates, if they are requesting an extract for another person. A written consent is not required if they are applying for a minor in their capacity as their legal representative. 

In the case of an electronic application for an extract, an electronically signed and completed application for an extract from the register of birth and a scanned written consent of the person to whom the entry relates, when requesting an extract for another person, must be sent electronically. The administrative unit will verify the identity of the person concerned on the basis of the official records and the validity of the electronic signature. In both cases, the administrative unit will send the extract issued by post. 

From abroad, an extract can be requested:

  • electronically,
  • at a diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad,
  • by authorising another person, by a written power of attorney, to collect the extract at an administrative unit on their behalf.


The register records all births of Slovenian citizens, regardless of whether they took place in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, and all births of foreign citizens that took place in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.


Marriage is a legal union between a husband and a wife. All marriages of Slovenian citizens, regardless of where they were contracted (in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad), and all marriages of foreign citizens, if contracted in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, are entered in the register.

Civil union

A civil union is a domestic community of two women or two men.

All civil unions of Slovenian citizens, whether contracted in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, and all civil unions of foreign citizens, if contracted in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, are entered in the register.

Change of name

A personal name consists of a first name and a surname assigned to an individual at birth and may be changed on the basis of certain family-law relationships (marriage, civil union, dissolution or annulment of marriage or civil union, acknowledgement of paternity, adoption) or on the basis of an application by an adult citizen or by statutory representatives for a change of the personal name of a minor. An application for a change of personal name may be filed at any administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia and at a diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad.

Change of surname upon marriage or civil union

On the basis of a declaration, the future spouses or partners can agree that their shared surname on contracting a marriage or civil union will be:

  • the surname of one or the other spouse or partner,
  • they may each keep their own surname,
  • they may add the surname of the spouse or partner to their own surname, or
  • they may opt for their spouse's or partner's surname and add their own surname to it.

The spouses or partners make the declaration at the competent administrative unit when they register their marriage or civil partnership. If they have agreed that their common surname will consist of more than two words or indivisible parts, they must also make a declaration of the choice of surname for legal transactions. The surname for legal transactions may consist of any two words or indivisible units of the two surnames that the future spouses or partners used before marriage or civil union. The change of surname applies from the day of the marriage or civil partnership.

Change of surname after dissolution or annulment of marriage or civil union

A spouse or partner who changed their surname at the time of the marriage or civil union may file a statement declaring that they wish to revert to their former surname with the competent authority within twelve months of the finality of the court decision dissolving or annulling the marriage or civil union. The statement may be filed only if no changes in the surname were made during the marriage or civil union. The change of surname applies from the date on which the declaration is made.

Change of name and surname upon acknowledgement of paternity

Upon acknowledgement of paternity, the personal name of the child in respect of whom the acknowledgement is made may be changed by a declaration on record. If the child has already reached the age of nine, their consent shall also be required. The change of personal name applies from the date of the declaration.

Change of name and surname upon adoption

Adoptive parents may choose a new personal name for an adopted child who already has a personal name upon adoption, and may change the child's surname regardless of the child's age, but may not change the child's name between the ages of four and nine. If the child has reached the age of nine, their consent is also required. The change of personal name applies from the date of finality of the adoption decision.

Change of name and surname upon request

The full personal name or only the surname or only the first name may be changed at the request of an adult citizen. A request for a change of personal name is decided on by the competent authority with which the request has been filed.

The request must be accompanied by:

  • a certificate of no criminal record (issued by the Ministry of Justice), and
  • a certificate that the person is not under criminal proceedings (issued by a district court).

If the above-mentioned certificates are not submitted with the request, the administrative unit will obtain them ex officio.

A request to change the personal name (first name and/or surname) of a minor may be submitted by the minor's parents or guardian with the consent of a social work centre. Where the parents are separated, the parent with whom the child lives or to whom the child is entrusted for care and upbringing may request the change, provided that the other parent consents.

If the other parent does not consent to changing the minor child's personal name, a social work centre shall assist the parents in reaching an agreement.

If, despite the assistance of a social work centre, the parents continue to disagree as to the child's new personal name, the request is decided on by a court in non-contentious proceedings, following a petition by one parent or both parents The court decision on the request must accompany a request to change the personal name of a minor child. The change of the personal name applies from the date of finality of the decision.


An extract may be requested by an immediate family member (spouse, children and parents of the deceased) from any administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia, and by other persons only if they demonstrate a legitimate interest and the immediate family members do not oppose the obtaining of the extract, or if they have a power of attorney from immediate family members for the issuance of the extract.

If the extract is requested in person at an administrative unit, the kinship with the deceased must be demonstrated, or, in the case of non-kinship, the legal basis for obtaining the extract and the consent of the members of the immediate family must be provided. 

Central Register of the Population

The central register of the population (CRP) is the central database containing the most basic information on the population of Slovenia. It is managed by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia. In the CRP, population data are centrally collected, processed, stored and used in order to monitor the status and trends of the population.

The register contains the following data

The register contains the following data:

  • EMŠO (PIN),
  • place of birth,
  • name and surname,
  • citizenship,
  • residence and type of residence,
  • marital status,
  • the right to vote,
  • EMŠO (of mother, father, spouse and children),
  • identifiers for linking with administrative filing systems,
  • dates and data on events, changes or corrections.

Acquisition of data

The data are obtained from the following sources:

  • register of births, marriages and deaths (birth, death, citizenship, marriage, change of personal name, divorce),
  • hospital information systems (electronic registration of birth),
  • permanent population register (registration, de-registration, right to vote, household),
  • register of foreigners (a foreigner’s residence permit),
  • database on the employment of foreigners (assigning EMŠO to a foreigner),
  • citizenship register (acquisition and termination of citizenship),
  • register of recorded foreigners (exercise of rights or duties in the Republic of Slovenia),
  • asylum register (applicant for international protection),
  • register of spatial units (municipality, settlement, street, house number, apartment number, postcode, polling station),
  • tax register (tax ID number of the natural person).

Personal data from the CRP may be obtained by public authorities and other users who need information about an individual to perform their statutory tasks, to maintain databases on individuals, or to conduct statistical, socio-economic and other research.

Who can obtain information from the register?

Data from the central register of the population may be obtained by users who have a basis in law, a written request or the written consent of the data subject. The data are provided in the following ways:

  • individual enquiries about a person can be made on the basis of a written application. A large number of queries are processed electronically (the user attaches a medium on which the search criteria are contained); electronic searches are possible for the following criteria: EMŠO, tax ID number, personal data (date of birth, personal name, sex),
  • with an application for local communities (municipalities),
  • on the Central Register of the Population portal (registered users),
  • by linking the user's information system to the central register of the population (public administration bodies),
  • for scientific research purposes the central register of the population is only available in anonymised form,
  • the data are prepared in the desired structure and format on the basis of an application specifying the purpose for which the data are to be obtained.

EMŠO – Personal Identification Number

Composition and use of the EMŠO

The EMŠO is a personal identification number in the Republic of Slovenia. It is determined by the controller of the Central Register of the Population uniformly for all residents of the Republic of Slovenia, including foreign nationals. It was introduced in 1976 in the then SFRY and is still in use in all the countries of the former Yugoslavia.

The EMŠO is determined by the CRP controller according to an algorithm that includes module 11. Digits one to seven of the EMŠO are: date of birth - 2-digit day, 2-digit month and 3-digit year. Digits eight and nine represent the register number. Digits ten, eleven and twelve signify the serial number and in digit thirteen is the control number. The serial number is a combination of the sex and the serial number for persons born on the same day – 000-499 for men and 500-999 for women. The basis for the calculation of the serial number is the record of the assigned EMŠOs. A value of 1 is added to the serial number of the last EMŠO assigned for the same date of birth and sex.

EMŠO and a person’s sex

It is a common misconception that 500 and 505, which are digits eight to ten in the EMŠO, signify the sex. In fact, 50 is the register code of the EMŠOs assigned in the Republic of Slovenia, and the last digit is the first of the three digits indicating sex. Thus, in the case of the same birthday, the 100th man would be given a serial number greater than 100 and the 100th woman would be given a serial number greater than 600, which means that the combination in question would be written XXXXXXX501XXX for men and XXXXXXX506XXX for women in positions eight to ten.

Procedure for assigning EMŠO to a foreigner

Foreigners are only assigned an EMŠO if they exercise their rights and obligations in the Republic of Slovenia.

An application for the assignment of an EMŠO must be addressed (in accordance with the Decree on keeping and maintaining the central register of population and on procedures of data retrieval and data transmission) to the appropriate competent authority – depending on the purpose for which an EMŠO is required:

  • work or employment (for third-country nationals) ­– Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • claiming pension and disability insurance benefits – Slovenian Pension and Disability Insurance Institute,
  • health insurance for the person and/or their family member and employment of EU citizens – Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia,
  • taxes – Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • enrolment in an education programme – individual schools,
  • regularisation of a foreigner's status – administrative units.

The following form needs to be completed to obtain an EMŠO –
Application for the assignment of an EMŠO.

The application must be completed in full, in block capitals, legibly and must be signed in manuscript. The application must be accompanied by:

  • a photocopy of an identity document clearly showing the personal data of the foreigner to whom an EMŠO is to be assigned (passport or both sides of the identity card),
  • a handwritten or electronically signed power of attorney of the foreigner, if another person or company is applying for an EMŠO on their behalf.

The application must state the reason for the assignment of an EMŠO (to be marked in the top right-hand corner of the form) and be accompanied by the relevant supporting documents.

Only if a foreigner wishes to obtain an EMŠO in order to exercise rights or obligations in other areas than those mentioned above, the application with the relevant enclosures – additional documents proving the exercise of rights or obligations in other areas (purchase contract, pre-contract, draft contract, letter of intent to purchase real estate/property in the Republic of Slovenia; establishment of a sole proprietorship – certificate of tax number assignment by the Financial Administration of the RS, opening of a bank account, etc.) may be sent to the following address:

Ministry of the Interior

Štefanova ulica 2

1501 Ljubljana 

The application for the assignment of an EMŠO can also be scanned and sent, together with any attachments, to the following email address

In accordance with Article 7 of the Central Register of the Population Act and Article 6 of the Decree on keeping and maintaining the central register of the population and on procedures of data retrieval and data transmission, the Ministry of the Interior, as the controller of the central register of the population, will assign you an EMŠO within the statutory time limit of three working days after the receipt of your complete application. 
You will receive the notification of your assigned EMŠO by registered post, so please indicate on your application the correct address to which you will receive the notification (in the top left-hand corner of the form).

Access to own personal data

The access to own personal data allows an individual to consult their own personal data collected and kept in the central register of the population.

A valid qualified digital certificate from one of the following issuers is required to use this service:

• Halcom-CA
• AC NLB for natural persons

Enter the Access own personal data service.