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Foreign nationals must hold a permanent or temporary residence permit in order to be registered as resident in Slovenia.

Foreign national who hold a permanent residence permit must have a registered place of permanent residence. Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit may also have a registered place of temporary residence at the same time.

Foreign nationals who hold a valid temporary residence permit must have a registered place of temporary residence.

Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit in Slovenia, and who have a place of temporary residence in addition to a place of permanent residence, must designate an address to which official correspondence is to be sent. This may be the permanent residence address or the temporary residence address.

Administrative units are responsible for handling the registration of a place of permanent residence, the registration and de-registration of a place of temporary residence, determination of the address to which official correspondence is sent, the registration of a permanent address abroad, the registration and de-registration of a temporary address abroad, and changes to an address abroad, regardless of where the individual has their registered place of permanent or temporary residence or where they register or de-register it.

A Slovenian embassy or consulate abroad may also handle the registration or change of a permanent or temporary address abroad.

A permanent residence

A place of permanent residence is an address in Slovenia at which the individual permanently resides, while an address is the centre of the individual’s vital interests during the period of residence as assessed on the basis of family, partner, working, economic, social and other ties that indicate that there are close and lasting links between the individual and the address at which they live. An address in Slovenia consists of the municipality, settlement (town, village), street name and house number, as well as any addition to the house number and the apartment number, if they exist.

Registration of a place of permanent residence

Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit must register their place of permanent residence with the administrative unit within eight days from when they settle at the address at which they permanently reside. Foreign nationals who obtain a permanent residence permit after settling at an address in Slovenia must register their place of permanent residence with the administrative unit within eight days of the permit being delivered to them.

Registration of a place of permanent residence for a foreign national who is under 18

Foreign nationals who are minors have their place of permanent residence in Slovenia registered at the address at which they permanently reside. This procedure is carried out by both parents, although it may also be carried out by only one of the parents, without the consent of the other parent being required.

Newborn foreign nationals shall only have their place of permanent residence registered after they have received a permanent residence permit, with registration taking effect retroactively from their date of birth.

Documents to be produced in support of the registration of a place of permanent residence

An individual (or their legal representative or a person authorised by them) must prove their identity and state the address they are registering when registering a place of permanent residence. When doing so, they must give truthful information and confirm its veracity by means of a handwritten signature.

When registering a place of permanent residence, they must supply evidence of their right to reside at the address they are registering. The following is regarded as evidence that the foreign national has a right to reside at the address:

  • a declaration of ownership or joint ownership of the property;
  • a tenancy or sub-tenancy agreement;
  • the consent of the owner of the property (if there is more than one owner, the consent of one of the owners is sufficient);
  • the consent of the landlord.

In exceptional cases, submission of evidence of the right to reside at an address is not required and not sought if a person who is not of legal age (a child) is being registered at their parents’ address or that of another legal representative.

When registering their place of permanent residence, foreign nationals who also have a registered place of temporary residence in Slovenia must also select the address to which official correspondence is to be sent. This may be the address of permanent or temporary residence.

Expiry of a place of permanent residence

A place of permanent residence expires:

  • when a new place of permanent residence is registered;
  • when a permanent address is registered abroad;
  • upon the death of the individual concerned;
  • pursuant to a decision by an administrative unit taken in the course of a procedure to establish an actual place of permanent residence, if a new place of permanent residence is registered for the individual concerned by final decision, if the individual registers a permanent address abroad or registers a place of legal residence, or if the individual’s registration of a place of permanent residence is terminated by a final decision in the course of the procedure.

A foreign national’s place of permanent residence shall also expire three months after the expiry of their permanent residence permit, unless the permanent residence permit is terminated as a result of the acquisition of Slovenian citizenship or the foreign national obtains a new permanent residence permit.

Registration of a permanent address abroad

Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit, have a place of permanent residence in Slovenia, but are permanently settled abroad, must register their permanent address abroad with the competent authority no later than 15 days after settling abroad, and any change to their permanent address abroad no later than 15 days after the address is changed. They may also register their permanent address before settling abroad if they give the date of settlement when registering. Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit, have neither a place of permanent residence in Slovenia nor a permanent address abroad, but permanently reside abroad, must register their permanent address abroad with the competent authority.

Registration of a permanent address abroad for a foreign national who is under 18

Foreign nationals who are minors shall have the permanent address abroad at which they permanently reside registered by both parents, although registration may be made by only one of the parents, without the consent of the other parent being required.

A newborn child born in Slovenia is assigned a permanent address abroad if neither parent has a place of permanent residence in Slovenia. The permanent address abroad assigned to them is the mother’s address abroad or, if they do not have a permanent address abroad, the father’s permanent address abroad. Newborn foreign nationals born in Slovenia shall only have their permanent address abroad registered after they have received a permanent residence permit, with registration taking effect retroactively from their date of birth.

Children (foreign national minors) who reside at an address other than the one assigned them ex officio must be registered by their parents at the address of actual residence. This registration applies from the day the new place of residence is registered and not from their date of birth.

Documents to be produced in support of the registration of a permanent address abroad

Foreign nationals (or their legal representative or a person authorised by them) must prove their identity and state the address at which they are registering when registering a permanent address abroad. When registering a permanent address abroad, they are not required to supply evidence of their right to reside at the address they are registering. As the correct address is not checked in the national register of spatial units, it is all the more important that truthful information on the registration itself and on the address be provided at the time of registration. The applicant confirms the veracity of the information by means of a handwritten signature.

Expiry of a permanent address abroad

A permanent address abroad expires:

  • when a place of permanent residence is registered in Slovenia;
  • when the permanent address abroad is changed;
  • upon the death of the individual concerned;
  • pursuant to a decision by an administrative unit taken in the course of a procedure to establish an actual place of permanent residence, if a new place of permanent residence in Slovenia is registered for the individual concerned by a final decision or if a place of legal residence is registered for them in the course of the procedure.

A temporary residence

A place of temporary residence is an address in Slovenia at which an individual resides temporarily for reasons of work, education or the serving of a term of imprisonment, or for other reasons. An address in Slovenia consists of the municipality, settlement (town, village), street name and house number, as well as any addition to the house number and the apartment number, if they exist. Only foreign nationals who hold a valid temporary residence permit, a certificate of registration of residence or a long-stay visa, or who have a place of permanent residence in Slovenia or a permanent address abroad may have a place of temporary residence.

Registration of a place of temporary residence

Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit and are residing temporarily outside their place of residence, but not at a landlord’s property or with a host, and who will reside at this address for more than 90 days, must register their place of temporary residence with the administrative unit within eight days of the day they move into the temporary place of residence. If the intended period of residence is shorter, registration of the place of temporary residence is optional.

Foreign nationals who hold a valid temporary residence permit, a certificate of registration of residence or a long-stay visa and who do not reside at a landlord’s property or with a host must register their place of temporary residence with the administrative unit at the address at which they are temporarily residing within eight days of moving into the temporary place of residence. Foreign nationals who are already residing at the address and who obtain a temporary residence permit, certificate of registration of residence or a long-stay visa only after settling at this address must register their place of temporary residence within eight days of delivery of the permit, certificate or visa. Foreign nationals residing temporarily outside their place of temporary residence, but not at a landlord’s property or with a host, who will reside at this address for more than 90 days, must register their new place of temporary residence with the administrative unit within eight days of moving into the temporary place of residence. If the intended period of residence is shorter, registration of the place of temporary residence is optional.

Registration of a place of temporary residence for a foreign national who is under 18

Foreign nationals who are minors have their place of temporary residence in Slovenia registered at the address at which they temporarily reside. This procedure is carried out by both parents, although it may also be carried out by only one of the parents, without the consent of the other parent being required.

If a child of foreign nationals is born in Slovenia and the parents do not hold a permanent residence permit or have a registered place of permanent residence in Slovenia or a permanent address abroad, but instead only hold a temporary residence permit, a certificate of registration of residence or a long-stay visa, the newborn child’s temporary residence will be registered, valid from their date of birth, after delivery of the appropriate temporary residence permit. The address is the same as the mother’s place of temporary residence or, if the mother does not have a place of temporary residence in Slovenia, that of the father.

Documents to be produced in support of the registration of a place of temporary residence

The procedure for registering a place of temporary residence is the same as the procedure for registering a place of permanent residence. The right to reside at the address being registered must also be demonstrated, except when individuals who are not of legal age (children) are being registered at their parents’ address or that of another legal representative, or if the landlord registers the individual.

Foreign nationals also permanently resident in Slovenia must also, when registering their place of temporary residence, select the address to which any official correspondence is to be sent, which may be the address of permanent or temporary residence.

Landlord’s obligation to register a place of temporary residence

A landlord is a legal person, sole trader, individual independently pursuing an activity, an institution of social protection, a penal institution, a correctional institution, an educational institution, a training institution or remote department of a training institution that provides accommodation to individuals as part of their activities and is entered in the Slovenian Business Register.

A landlord only registers a place of temporary residence for a foreign national if that foreign national holds a valid temporary residence permit, a certificate of registration of residence or a long-stay visa, or if they have a place of permanent residence in Slovenia or a permanent address abroad.

A landlord must register a place of temporary residence for foreign nationals who have only obtained a temporary residence permit, certificate of registration of residence or long-stay visa after settling, within eight days of the day the permit, certificate or visa is delivered. Foreign nationals must notify the landlord of the delivery of the temporary residence permit, certificate of registration of residence or long-stay visa within three days of delivery.

A foreign national without settled status in Slovenia is treated as a guest who is subject to the obligation to register as a guest.

For foreign nationals who first reside at a landlord’s property as a guest and then subsequently obtain a temporary residence permit, certificate of registration of residence or long-stay visa, the landlord must register their temporary place of residence within eight days of the day the permit, certificate or visa is delivered. In the light of this, it is also the foreign national’s statutory duty to inform the landlord of the regularisation of their status within three days from the temporary residence permit, certificate of registration of residence or long-stay visa being delivered.

Period of registration of a place of temporary residence

A place of temporary residence is registered for a period of up to two years, or for the period of validity of the temporary residence permit, certificate of registration of residence or long-stay visa if this is less than two years.

A place of temporary residence is re-registered prior to expiring if the foreign national continues to reside temporarily at the address that was registered as their place of temporary residence.

The administrative unit shall register a place of temporary residence at the address already registered by a foreign national who, in accordance with the provisions of the law governing the entry, exit and residence of foreign nationals in Slovenia, files an application for the renewal or re-issuing of a temporary residence permit or the renewal of a certificate of registration of residence on time, or a foreign national with a valid long-stay visa who files an application for a first temporary residence permit on time.

A place of temporary residence is valid until the delivery of a temporary residence permit or certificate of registration of residence, or until the decision or resolution by which the application is rejected or dismissed or the procedure halted becomes final. The landlord at whose property a foreign national is already temporarily residing must re-register their place of temporary residence within eight days of the delivery of the temporary residence permit or certificate of registration of residence in Slovenia.

De-registration of a place of temporary residence

Both the landlord and the foreign national are obliged to de-register a place of temporary residence within eight days of departure. De-registration is also possible prior to departure, where the date of departure must be stated.

Termination of a place of temporary residence

An individual’s place of temporary residence expires:

  • when it is de-registered;
  • when the period of validity of the registration expires;
  • when a new place of temporary residence is registered (regardless of whether this is done by the individual or a landlord, as an individual may only have one place of temporary residence registered at any one time);
  • when a temporary address is registered abroad;
  • when a place of permanent residence is registered at the address of temporary residence;
  • on the day of finality of a decision by which the administrative unit enters the individual’s place of legal residence in the permanent population register, a decision by which the individual’s place of permanent residence is removed from the permanent population register, a decision by which, in the procedure to establish a place of temporary residence in the permanent population register, an individual’s place of temporary residence is registered at the address at which they are actually temporarily residing or a decision by which, in the procedure to verify an individual’s place of temporary residence in the permanent population register, the registration of the place of temporary residence is terminated;
  • on the day the decision halting a procedure for verifying the veracity of a registration becomes final;
  • on the day a decision refusing registration of a place of permanent residence within a procedure for verifying the veracity of a registration becomes final;
  • upon the death of the individual concerned.

A foreign national’s place of temporary residence is also terminated on the day the permanent or temporary residence permit, the certificate of registration of residence, or the long-stay visa is terminated, unless termination is the result of the acquisition of citizenship or a permit is terminated because another one is acquired.

For foreign nationals with a registered place of temporary residence having filed an application within the deadline for the renewal or re-issuing of a permit, their registration of a place of temporary residence is terminated on the day the decision or resolution by which their request was rejected or dismissed becomes final or the procedure was halted, and on the day the temporary residence permit or certificate of registration of residence is delivered, unless they re-register a place of temporary residence within eight days of the delivery of the temporary residence permit or certificate of registration of residence in Slovenia.

Non-obligation to register a place of temporary residence

Individuals are not obliged to register a place of temporary residence if:

  • they are staying in hospital or in another medical institution for medical purposes;
  • they reside in accommodation provided by social protection institutions (a shelter for victims of domestic violence, a shelter for victims of human trafficking, a safe house, a mothers’ home or a crisis centre for adult victims of domestic violence and their children);
  • they have a valid diplomatic, consular or official card issued to foreign nationals by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • they reside in facilities run by the Ministry of the Interior, the police, the Ministry of Defence and the Slovenian armed forces intended for the accommodation of those providing services for the said bodies;
  • they are a member of protection, rescue and relief forces, if they are involved in dealing with the aftermath of a natural disaster.

A temporary address abroad

A temporary address abroad is the address given by foreign nationals when they are temporarily living abroad. An address abroad consists of the name and code of the country, the name of the region (if the country specifies the region), the town or village, the street name and house number, as well as any addition to the house number and the apartment number, if they exist, the postcode and the name of the post office, or other details deemed to be part of the address in the country in question. Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit and have a place of permanent residence in Slovenia may also have a temporary address abroad at the same time.

Registration and de-registration of a temporary address abroad

A temporary address abroad is registered for a period not exceeding 4 years. In the event of longer residence at the same temporary address abroad, the individual must re-register the temporary address abroad prior to the termination of this address.

For all foreign nationals who declared a temporary departure from Slovenia before 13 August 2017 (declaration without a time limit), their declaration ceased on 13 August 2020.

Foreign nationals who hold a permanent residence permit and have a place of permanent residence in Slovenia must register a temporary address if they are living abroad temporarily. If the period of residence abroad is less than 90 days, registration is optional.

Registration must be carried out no later than 15 days after arrival abroad. A foreign national is also required to register any change of temporary address abroad with the competent authority. The law allows a foreign national who knows the date of their temporary departure to register the temporary address before they depart.

Registration of a temporary address abroad for a foreign national who is under 18

Foreign nationals who are minors shall have the temporary address abroad at which they temporarily reside registered by both parents, although registration may be made by only one of the parents, without the consent of the other parent being required.

A newborn child is not assigned a temporary address abroad automatically, as is the case for other addresses, but solely on the basis of registration.

Documents to be produced in support of the registration of a temporary address abroad

Foreign nationals (or their legal representative or a person authorised by them) must prove their identity and state the address at which they are registering when registering a temporary address abroad. When registering a temporary address abroad, they are not required to produce evidence of their right to reside at the address they are registering.

As the correct address is not checked in the national register of spatial units, it is all the more important that truthful information be provided at the time of registration. The applicant confirms the veracity of the information by means of a handwritten signature.

Expiry of a temporary address abroad

A temporary address abroad expires:

  • when the temporary address abroad is de-registered;
  • after 4 years have elapsed from the date of registration (unless a new registration is made before expiry);
  • when a change of temporary address abroad is registered;
  • when a place of temporary residence is registered in Slovenia;
  • when a place of permanent residence expires in Slovenia;
  • when a permanent address is registered abroad;
  • upon the death of the individual concerned;
  • on the day of finality of a decision taken in the course of a procedure to establish permanent residence by which the individual’s place of permanent residence is de-registered and their permanent address abroad is entered in the permanent population register, a decision by which the individual’s registration of a place of permanent residence is removed from the permanent population register or a decision taken in the course of a procedure to establish the place of temporary residence by which the individual’s place of temporary residence is registered in the permanent population register.

A foreign national’s temporary address abroad also expires on the day their permanent residence permit expires, unless they acquire Slovenian citizenship.

De-registration of a temporary address abroad

A foreign national is required to de-register a temporary address within 15 days of departure from that address. De-registration of a temporary address is also possible prior to departure, where the date of the departure must be stated. The provisions of the law governing the registration of a place of residence apply to this procedure by analogy.

The address to which official correspondence

The address to which official correspondence is sent is the individual’s registered place of permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia. It serves as the address to which postal items from state authorities, local government authorities and legal and natural persons are to be delivered, unless another law provides otherwise. Only the address of registered permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia may serve as the address to which official correspondence is sent.

All administrative units are able to determine the address to which official correspondence is to be sent, except in cases where the address is selected automatically from the entirety of the individual’s addresses.

Foreign nationals with a place of permanent residence and a place of temporary residence in Slovenia may determine, during the registration procedure, which address will serve as the address to which official correspondence is sent. If they do not specify this, the address to which official correspondence will be sent will be the address of permanent residence.

If a foreign national has only one place of residence, this address automatically serves as the address to which official correspondence is sent.

If foreign nationals with a registered place of permanent residence and a registered place of temporary residence in Slovenia move abroad and are subject to the requirement to register a permanent address abroad, their address of temporary residence in Slovenia automatically becomes the address to which official correspondence is sent.

Where a foreign national has a registered place of temporary residence at a penal institution, a correctional facility, an educational institution, a training institution or a remote department of a training institution, the address to which official correspondence is sent is always the address of temporary residence.

If foreign nationals register their place of permanent residence as their place of legal residence (municipality or social services centre), the address to which official correspondence is sent cannot be the place of legal residence.

Residence and household community certificates

Administrative units and diplomatic missions or consulates of Slovenia abroad may issue certificates from the permanent population register.

The following certificates are issued from the permanent population register:

  • certificate of place of permanent residence/permanent address abroad;
  • certificate of previous places of permanent residence/permanent addresses abroad;
  • certificate of addresses to which official correspondence is sent;
  • certificate of place of temporary residence/temporary address abroad;
  • certificate of previous places of temporary residence/temporary addresses abroad;
  • certificate from the register of households containing the personal details of all members;
  • certificate from the register of households on the number of members.