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Salary system

The public sector salary system applies to the entire public sector, which is made up of budget users (state bodies and self-governing local authorities, public agencies, public funds, public institutes, public commercial institutes and other entities under public law that are indirect users of the state budget or local authority budgets).

The public sector salary system includes almost 3,000 budget users and over 170,000 public employees. More than 4 billion euros per year are allocated for their salaries. It is regulated by the Public Sector Salary System Act (ZSPJS) which defines the fundamental and uniform rules on the functioning of the salary system and a unified methodology of calculating and paying salaries for all public sector activities.

The fundamental principles of the salary system include equal pay for work in comparable positions, titles and functions, as well as transparency and salary incentives.

The public sector salary system is based on the Public Sector Salary System Act and the regulations and collective agreements adopted in accordance with this act. In addition to a basic salary, employees are entitled to allowances and performance-related bonuses under the conditions defined by the normative framework.