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Providing education to Ukrainian children living in Slovenia

Information is available also in Ukrainian language.

Inclusion of children with temporary protection in the Slovenian education system.

A person with temporary protection shall exercise the right to education by presenting a temporary protection card. Until the card has been issued, temporary protection beneficiaries shall claim their status by means of a decision granting them temporary protection.

The Slovenian education system is based on an inclusive approach (in the context of the fastest possible inclusion in kindergartens and regular classes) in exercising the rights of immigrant children, pupils and students to education and in ensuring their social inclusion in the daily life of the country where they have moved for various reasons.

Kindergarten enrolment

Kindergarten enrolment takes place throughout the year, and parents can enrol their child in the full-day or half-day kindergarten programme, if a selected kindergarten has a place available for their child. Information on kindergarten vacancies by individual municipalities is available at the Ministry information point.

Kindergarten entry requirements

Kindergartens are open to children from the age of 11 months until they start primary school. Before enrolling their child in a kindergarten, parents must provide a certificate issued by a paediatrician, stating that the child has been vaccinated (against measles, mumps and rubella).

The right to exercise kindergarten subsidy

Parents with temporary protection are entitled to a reduced kindergarten fee (subsidy) under the conditions applicable to foreigners which are specified in the law governing kindergartens and the law regulating the exercise of rights from public funds. Parents shall claim the subsidy by applying to the competent Social Work Centre (provided by the municipality where at least one of the parents and the child have a registered temporary residence).

The right to free kindergarten

Parents with temporary protection who are entitled to receive financial assistance or pocket money are fully exempted from kindergarten fees for the duration of this right. In order to be granted an exemption from payment, parents must provide the kindergarten with the relevant proof of eligibility for cash or pocket money.

Basic school and basic education

Persons with temporary protection who are under 18 years of age are enrolled in primary education under the same conditions as citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. In accordance with the regulations on basic education programme, they are usually enrolled in the school located in the school district where they reside. Parents enrol their child in the school either by going to the school themselves or by being accompanied by their relatives living in Slovenia. In the case of unaccompanied minors, their statutory representative shall be in charge of a school enrolment procedure. The school shall enrol students with temporary protection and issue a School Certificate for them.

Children should spend their first days of primary school getting to know the school environment and learning Slovene. A pupil with temporary protection can take part in the extended curriculum and in the extra-curricular activities provided by the school. After the general introduction days (start week) the pupil gets involved in all activities carried out his or her class.

Free school meals and transport

Students with temporary protection are entitled to free lunch, snacks and free transport.

Textbooks and school supplies

Students with temporary protection receive textbooks from the textbook fund, while the cost of school supplies is covered by the Office for the Care and Integration of Migrants.

Beginner Slovene language lessons

Pupils with temporary protection are entitled to have extra Slovene language lessons. In the first year of their schooling, the emphasis is placed on language empowerment and a condensed approach to the beginner Slovene language lessons. Throughout the school year, pupils are offered various forms of support (supplementary teaching, individual and group assistance, adaptations to teaching methods and approaches).

Assessment adjustments and promotion

Pupils with temporary protection are entitled to have the option of adjusting their assessment during the school year. A pupil's knowledge may be assessed in terms of their progress towards the objectives or knowledge standards set out in the curriculum. Immigrant pupils may be - at the end of the school year in which they are first enrolled in primary school in the Republic of Slovenia - excluded from the assessment in individual subjects and may advance to the next grade of primary school.

Support network for children and parents

Students with temporary protection can be involved in morning care and extended stays as well as in extracurricular activities at school and other institutions (e.g. music school), and in activities organised in the local environment (youth centres, various societies, people's universities, other governmental and non-governmental organisations). Schools work with parents through various organised activities, thus strengthening their integration into their new environment. The information on various programmes and services provided in the local area is available on the website “For Intercultural Coexistence” (Slovene: Za medkulturno sobivanje).

A pupil with temporarily protection in need of the adapted learning programme

If a pupil with temporary protection is enrolled in the school and, in the opinion of the professionals, is in need of adapted or special programmes, the school will present the guidance procedure to the parents or a statutory representative.

Enrolment in secondary and higher education

Persons with temporary protection who are under the age of 18 are enrolled in secondary education under the same conditions as citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, which means that their education is free of charge, however, they must meet the entry requirements set out in the General Upper Secondary School Act and the Vocational Education Act.

A person with temporary protection can enrol in a programme and department where the secondary school still has a vacancy. A person with international protection can also get enrolled in secondary or higher vocational education institution during the school or study year. The list of secondary schools in the Republic of Slovenia, a contact person commonly being the principal or a school counsellor.

To be admitted, candidates must meet the entry requirements laid down by law, while the programme, and the enrolment process are the same as the enrolment of candidates who have previously studied abroad, namely through a process of recognizing foreign education with a view to continuing their studies. Applicants must provide appropriate documentation of their studies abroad. Completion of primary school is the basic entry requirement for enrolment in the initial year of secondary school, while admission to higher secondary-school year(s) is decided by the selected secondary school after reviewing the candidate's previous certificates and comparing the subject curricula of both countries.

A person with temporary protection who is unable to prove their previous education by means of appropriate documents

The selected school itself shall bring a decision regarding the enrolment of a person with temporary protection who is unable to prove their previous education by submitting appropriate documents or certificates and who wants to enter secondary and higher vocational education programmes. In doing so, the guidelines of the Slovenian National Institute of Education shall be followed, setting out the elements of the initial interview that is to be carried out at the school as well as possible ways of assessing prior knowledge, and directives for drawing up an individual plan.

Free snacks

Temporary protection beneficiaries enrolled in regular secondary education are entitled to a free midday meal (snack).

Slovene language course

Intensive Slovene language courses are organised by schools at the beginning of the school year. These language courses are compulsory and free of charge for all students with temporary protection when they first join the school. During this part of the school year (from March onwards), extra Slovene lessons are provided by schools (up to 70 hours). At the beginning of the following school year, these students will be offered a Slovene language course.

Adjustments to school commitments

Students with temporary protection are entitled to have their school commitments adapted by means of a personalized education plan. In the first year of inclusion, students with temporary protection, except for those in their final school year, will not be given a negative mark in the Slovene language subject, with their grade report only containing a note that the student has not been assessed. Nevertheless, the student in question will be allowed to progress to the next year if he/she obtains positive grades in other subjects and if the principal himself brings up such a decision on the proposal submitted by the departmental school board.

Inclusion in adult education

People with temporary protection can also take part in adult education programmes in accordance with the rules governing such education.

Joining a music school

Persons with temporary protection who wish to continue their music education may join the music school under the same conditions as citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. Children get enrolled in a music school by their parents who either go to the school themselves or are accompanied by the relatives living in Slovenia. In the case of unaccompanied minors, the enrolment process is carried out by their statutory representative.

If a child with temporary protection has been enrolled during the school year, the music school will check the level of the prior knowledge of the pupil who wishes to continue his/her musical education and enrol him/her in the appropriate class of the music school programme. When enrolling in the new school year, students with temporary protection may join a music school under the same conditions as citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, namely after successfully passing a music performance test and on the basis of a vacant enrolment place.

Inclusion in higher education

Temporary protection beneficiaries shall apply for admission to higher education within the application deadlines specifically determined for them. They submit their enrolment application via the eVŠ portal, where information on study programmes offered by higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia is published, along with instructions on how to fill in the enrolment application.

Information for Ukrainian students wishing to take the National Multi-subject Tests (NMT), the Master's Test of Educational Competence (MTEC) or the Master's Comprehensive Test (MCT) in Slovenia.