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Textile products shall mean any raw material, semi-finished or finished product, whether manufactured industrially or fully or partially made articles which are made exclusively of textile fibres, irrespective of the way in which they are mixed or assembled during the manufacturing process.

Labelling and marking of the fibre composition of textile products

Textile products shall only be made available on the market if they are labelled, marked or accompanied by commercial documents in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1007/2011 on textile fibre names and related labelling and marking of the fibre composition of textile products.

Labelling or marking of the fibre composition is mandatory to ensure that the same and correct information is available to all consumers in the European Union.

To this end, rules are laid down on the use of textile fibre names and the related labelling and marking of the fibre composition of textile products, regarding the fibre content of textile products, rules on the labelling or marking of non-textile parts of animal origin and on the determination of the raw material composition of textile products. The labelling and marking and the accuracy of the information given shall be ensured by the manufacturer when placing the textile product on the market. If the manufacturer is not established in the Union, the importer shall ensure the labelling and marking and the accuracy of the information.

The label shall indicate the raw material composition of the textile products and analyses shall be implemented to monitor the conformity of the products with the label claims.  

The implementation of the regulation on the market is monitored by:  

The Market Inspectorate also implements infringement proceedings in cases where textile products are placed on the market without being labelled or marked or are accompanied by commercial documents that do not comply with the Regulation, or where such products are made available on the market. 

Labelling of protective clothing

Textile products intended to protect against minimal risks, such as work gowns, one-piece and two-piece protective clothing, rain protection clothing and so on, must also comply with the requirements laid down in the regulations on personal protective equipment