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The dangers of buying or introducing illegal plant protection products

We use plant protection products (hereinafter: PPP) to protect plants and plant products against harmful organisms and weeds. All PPP placed on the market in the Republic of Slovenia have to be authorised. Through authorisation process we ensure a high level of protection for humans and the environment when PPP are used.

The Law on PPP and the Regulation implementing (EC) Regulation concerning placing PPP on the market regulate PPP authorisation process. In very detailed authorisation procedure, evaluators assess PPP physical-chemical properties, PPP impact on human health and exposure (of operators, other workers and bystanders). Evaluators assess also pesticide residues in food and feed, PPP impact on non-target organisms, fate and behaviour in the environment and also efficacy against harmful organisms for intended use. Based on these evaluations the authorisation decision is issued, defining allowed uses of PPP (on which plants and against which harmful organisms or weeds), the conditions of use and risk mitigation measures operators shall respect during the use of PPP in question. 

These are the reasons that any use of unauthorised PPP, or use of PPP bought in other countries without possessing a permit (a permit for parallel trade, a permit for research and development, a permit for emergency use) is not allowed.

PPP not legally authorised are:

  • Counterfeit PPP not produced by original producers. Their composition does not corespond to the authorisation decision or one of other permits for placing on the market and use issued by the Administration for food safety, veterinary and plant protection (AFSVPP). The packaging and labelling may be simmilar to original products and counterfeit PPP are difficult to identify. 
  • PPP that we buy in other countries without possessing a special permit. The permit ensures that the PPP in question was evaluated as safe for use in Slovenian conditions.