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Thematic and geographic priorities of Slovenia's development cooperation

Development cooperation focuses on thematic and geographic priorities identified in terms of effectiveness, Slovenia’s comparative advantages and capacities, and support for the development efforts of partner countries.

Thematic priorities

Thematic priorities of Slovenia’s development cooperation include:

  • Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies with a focus on good governance, equal opportunities including gender equality, and high-quality education, and
  • Combating climate change, particularly  by the sustainable management of natural and energy resources.

The implementation of these priorities is based on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs):

  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all (SDG 8);
  • Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG 16);
  • Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12);
  • Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (SDG 13).

Development cooperation projects include two cross-cutting issues regarded as crucial for achieving development in all dimensions:

  • Gender equality and empowerment of women were recognised as key for achieving development, as they are the cornerstone of respect for human rights and social justice. Ensuring equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men is a prerequisite for sustainable development, poverty eradication, inclusive growth and social welfare;

Environmental protection: Without proper attention to the environmental dimensions of development, the excessive use of natural resources and environmental burden will undermine future development and afflict future generations. Consequently, development cooperation should promote prosperity and increase the competitiveness of economies without adversely affecting the environment.

Geographic priorities

The priority areas of development cooperation implemented in developing countries include:

  • Western Balkans;
  • European neighbourhood;
  • Sub-Saharan Africa, especially the least developed countries.

Disbursed bilateral development aid in 2023

Priority region Disbursements in EUR Share of disbursed bilateral aid
Developing countries, undefined 19,669,855 33%
Sub-Saharan Africa 2,941,150 5%
Western Balkans (including Europe regionally) 23,510,381 39%
European neighbourhood 11,185,465 19%
Other (including Turkey) 2,407,670 4%
Total 59,714,521 100%

Global education

Global education plays an important role in eradicating poverty and inequality, attaining sustainable development, and educating active and responsible citizens with a sense of solidarity. By contributing to the knowledge of root causes and effects of global issues such as poverty, famine, inequality and climate change, and to activities towards fairer and more sustainable development, it constitutes a significant element of development cooperation.

Evaluations of development cooperation

Evaluations can contribute significantly to the transition from the world as we know it a world that we would like to have. They help us achieve better results by clarifying what we are doing, why and for whom. They assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of development cooperation. The knowledge gained  thus improves future policies, programmes and projects through which Slovenia helps eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and promote sustainable development in the Western Balkans, the European neighbourhood and Sub-Saharan Africa. To evaluate development cooperation, Slovenia has adopted the principles, criteria and standards of the OECD Development Assistance Committee, of which it has been a member since 2013. According to the adopted evaluation policy and guidelines, Slovenia carries out annual evaluations.