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Volunteering has a long tradition in Slovenia and is an important social corrective in society, it helps bring together organisations and people in local communities, and enables people to gain invaluable experience through volunteering.

Recognising the importance of volunteering, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a Strategy for the Development of Non-Governmental Organisations and Volunteering in 2018, setting the strategic objective of high-quality organised and sustainable volunteering that is to be widely recognised as a value and contributing significantly to social well-being.

Volunteering in Slovenia

According to the data provided in the 2023 Joint Volunteering Report, Slovenian volunteers operating within the framework of voluntary organisations and public institutions carry out more than eight million hours of voluntary work per year. The estimated value of the voluntary work contribution to social well-being is over EUR 79 million euros. However, taking into account the voluntary work carried out on a spontaneous (non-organised) basis, this figure is even higher.

Voluntary work is work carried out by individuals for the benefit of other people or for the benefit of society as a whole, without expecting payment or direct or indirect material benefits in return.

Voluntary organisations and organisations with volunteer programmes are registered in the Register of volunteer organisations. By the end of 2023, 2,486 organisations were entered in the register.

Based on the aggregated data on volunteering in the Republic of Slovenia for the previous year, a joint report is prepared containing the list of voluntary organisations, data on the number of concluded voluntary work agreements and voluntary work carried out, as well as the estimated value of such contribution to social well-being.

National award and recognitions for volunteering

Each year, the Committee of the Republic of Slovenia for national recognitions in volunteering confers the national award and recognitions for volunteering on deserving volunteers or volunteer organisations. The award and recognitions are awarded by the President of the Republic of Slovenia at a special ceremony.


Organised volunteering is regulated by the Volunteering Act, which was adopted in 2011 and amended in 2015. Pursuant to the Act, volunteering is a socially beneficial unpaid activity of individuals who, through their work, knowledge and experience, contribute to improving the quality of life of individuals and social groups, and to the development of a society of solidarity, humanity and equality.