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The voting rights register is kept in the permanent population register and in the central population register of the Republic of Slovenia. The voting rights register enables citizens who have the right to vote to exercise their right to vote, and prevents individuals who do not qualify to vote from exercising this right. Also, it prevents the same voter from exercising the right to vote more than once. Upon every election or voting, the electoral registers – lists of people who can exercise their right to vote at a specific polling station – are compiled based on the voting rights register.

Voting rights register

The voting rights register contains the following data:

  • the voter's personal name,
  • the voter's personal identification number,
  • date of birth and gender,
  • citizenship,
  • data on residence registration certificate and on registration of temporary residence,
  • data on permanent residence permit and on registration of permanent residence,
  • residence address,
  • address for exercising the right to vote.

The register also contains restrictions on exercising the individual's right to vote, data on obtaining or restricting the right to vote in the elections to the European Parliament and data on additional voting rights related to the Italian and Hungarian national communities and the Roma community.

Exercising the right to vote

Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia may vote at the polling station in the area of their residence where they are registered in the electoral register.

Foreign nationals temporarily residing in the Republic of Slovenia may vote in the local elections and in the elections for the European Parliament at the polling station based in the area where their temporary residence is registered in Slovenia. Slovenian citizens permanently residing abroad may vote in a polling station abroad. By way of exemption, citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Slovenia may be granted the right to vote abroad provided they have informed the National Electoral Commission in advance of their wish to vote at a diplomatic representative office or consulate abroad. 

The right to vote may also be exercised in the following ways:

  • voting by post from abroad,
  • voting by post in the Republic of Slovenia,
  • voting at home,
  • voting in a polling station at home (for emigrants),
  • voting out of the district of permanent residence.

If an individual is not entered in an electoral register, he or she may exercise the right to vote on the basis of a certificate from the permanent voting rights register issued by an administrative unit or the Ministry of the Interior, for residents of Slovenia or emigrants, respectively.

Exercising the right to vote upon change in permanent residence

Electoral registers are drawn up based on data from the voting rights register 15 days ahead of the day of voting. If the individual changes his or her address of residence during this period, he or she shall vote in the constituency, district and at a polling station assigned to him or her on the day the electoral register is drawn up.

If, as a result of moving to another place, a voter is unable to vote at his or her current polling station, he or she may notify the competent electoral commission no later than three days before the day of the voting that he or she wishes to vote out of his or her place of residence, at a polling station designated as OMNIA.

Exercising the right to vote in case of no permanent residence

If an individual does not have a permanent residence registered in the Republic of Slovenia or if the address has been deleted from the register of permanent residents in the process of establishing the actual permanent residence, the administrative unit shall, ex officio, determine the voting address on the basis of the last permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia.

However, if the individual has never registered a permanent residence address in the Republic of Slovenia, the administrative unit shall, ex officio, determine the voting address according to the mother's last permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia. If this is not possible, then the father's last permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia will be considered as valid.

If the administrative unit is unable to ex officio determine the address, the individual may indicate a voting-related address of his or her own choice by submitting a request to an administrative unit or diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad.

An individual who does not have a permanent residence registered in the Republic of Slovenia has to notify the administrative unit or the diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad of any change in his or her personal data (personal name, date of birth, gender or address abroad) and provide an appropriate proof of such change. Relatives or other persons with whom the individual lived abroad must inform the authorities of any death.

Persons not eligible to vote

Citizens who have reached the age of 18 years by the voting day have the right to vote.

The right to vote cannot be exercised by individuals who have reached the age of 18 years and who are legally incompetent to vote due to their mental disease, disability or invalidity. The same applies to cases in which parental rights have been extended past the age of majority. In such case the court has issued a decision revoking one's right to vote.  

However, the right to vote is held by individuals who, before 9 August 2006, were completely deprived of their legal capacity to vote or their parents' or other persons' parental rights were extended beyond their age of majority by a final court decision on the grounds of mental disease, disability or invalidity, provided that the court has not specifically decided on the revocation of the right to vote and to be elected at a date later than 9 August 2006.

Electoral register

An electoral register is a public document compiled on the basis of the voting rights register for every election.

Types of electoral registers:

  • a general electoral register,
  • a special electoral register,
  • an electoral register of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia who are members of the Italian or Hungarian national communities,
  • an electoral register of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia who are members of the Roma community.

The general electoral register is intended for use at polling stations in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. A special electoral register is compiled for voting at polling stations at diplomatic representative offices or consulates of the Republic of Slovenia abroad.

Electoral registers are initially compiled in the electronic form, within 20 days of the calling of elections at the latest. During this period, you can consult the electronic electoral register and check whether your data are correct.

The electoral registers intended to be used in voting are compiled 15 days ahead of the date of voting.

Checking your voting rights data

You can check your details in the voting right register any time at one of the administrative units or at a diplomatic representation office or consulate abroad.

You can check your details by using your digital certificate.

If you are not a registered voter or your data in the register are not correct, you can have your data entered by an administrative unit, a diplomatic representation office or consulate abroad.

Request for entry in the voting right register for the elections to the European Parliament

As a citizen of another member state of the EU you have the right to vote in the elections to the European Parliament in the Republic of Slovenia:

  • if you are 18 years old on the date of the elections;
  • if you are holder of a valid permanent residence permit and you have registered your permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia or you hold a valid residence registration certificate and you have registered your temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia;
  • if you have been registered in the voting rights register in the Republic of Slovenia based on a request for entry of the right to vote.

A request for entry of the right to vote in the elections of the European Parliament must be submitted by mail or delivered in person to the Ministry of the Interior.

Your request must include the following:

  • personal name,
  • personal identification number or date of birth and gender,
  • citizenship,
  • permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Slovenia,
  • residence abroad,
  • information on the country and location and/or constituency where you were last registered in an electoral register of another member state of the European Union provided that you are familiar with the information,
  • a signed statement that you have the right to vote,
  • a signed statement that you will exercise the right to vote in elections to the European Parliament in the Republic of Slovenia.

When filing a request, you must prove your identity and present proof of citizenship and a statement that your right to vote has not been revoked. A passport, citizenship certificate, birth certificate, or other identification document that proves your citizenship shall be considered as proof of citizenship of a Member State of the European Union.

You will remain on the voting rights register for elections to the European Parliament until you request to be removed from the register or until another country notifies us that you have requested to be entered in the electoral register there or until you deregister your residence in the Republic of Slovenia.