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The Management and Cyber Security Division performs tasks related to general and legal matters, the work of the main administration office, international cooperation, cyber security, the management system, training, mentoring and support for control procedures.

General and Legal Affairs and the Main Administrative Office

The division is involved in the drafting of regulations that fall within the remit of the administration, provides legal support in the procedures for the adoption of administrative acts and participates in the implementation of international agreements and legislation that fall within the administration’s remit.

It actively participates in international organisations such as the International Nuclear Law Association (INLA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD NEA), is responsible for the disposal of tangible property, provides support in public procurement procedures, prepares public information, participates in the framework of applicable legislation and international agreements, participates in the preparation of reports, coordinates the positions of the Administration at the inter-ministerial level in the preparation of the annual legislative work programmes of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and budget baselines, supports the implementation of certain systemic laws in the area of personal data protection, integrity protection and corruption prevention, and performs the work of the Main Administrative Office.


International co-operation

The division is involved in the conclusion and implementation of bilateral and multilateral treaties in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection. It monitors European and international legislation, cooperates with foreign administrative authorities in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection and organises visits of the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) employees abroad as well as visits of foreign representatives in Slovenia. It also coordinates international aid projects for third countries in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection in which the SNSA is involved.

In addition, the division coordinates and monitors the SNSA's participation in international organisations dealing with nuclear safety and radiation protection, in particular the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), a specialised agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Working Party on Atomic Questions in the Council of the EU, the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA), the European Nuclear Security Regulators Association (ENSRA), the Association of the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA), the European Association of Competent Authorities (EACA) and others.

Cyber Security

The division focuses on ensuring nuclear cyber security, maintaining relevant legislation, organising exercises and trainings, and promoting cooperation with national and international stakeholders. It is responsible for implementing the SNSA’s information security policy, improving the cyber security incident response system, raising employee awareness of the key elements of cyber security and much more. In the event of a cyber-attack related to nuclear or radiological incidents, the division provides expert support, including impact analysis, threat assessment and coordination with key stakeholders. 

At an international level, the division works with the IAEA, ENSRA, WENRA, the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and numerous individual countries worldwide.

Management System

In the area of management systems, division monitors and updates the management system. This includes regularly reviewing and updating the management system documentation, conducting internal audits and management assessments. During internal audits of the management system, it checks whether working practises comply with standards, regulations and internal procedures and ensures that any findings are monitored and corrected. It organises and conducts management reviews in which it addresses important aspects of SNSA activities and monitors the implementation of the decisions made during these reviews. 

It draws up the SNSA's Annual Work Plan and monitors the achievement of the objectives set out in the Annual Plan on a quarterly basis. At the beginning of the year, it also reviews the implementation of the previous year’s Annual Work Plan. 

The division develops a risk register that facilitates the management of potential risks in order to plan risk mitigation measures in advance for each identified risk. It also coordinates internal reporting to employees to ensure that all employees are aware of the latest updates and policies. In addition, it analyses and evaluates the experiences of foreign and domestic authorities in order to introduce improvements and disseminate best practises within the SNSA. 

It also focuses on monitoring employee and customer satisfaction, as this is critical to the successful operation of the SNSA. 

Particular attention is paid to the safety culture of SNSA’s clients, which is assessed regularly. In addition, SNSA conducts self-assessments to ensure a high standard of safety.