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Increasing railway infrastructure capacity and digitalisation of road infrastructure
As part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), the Ministry of Infrastructure will participate in investments in rail and road transport. The planned measures will support long-term sustainable growth and address the challenges of the green and digital transition.
Festival Europa Cantat 2021
Between 17 and 22 July 2021, Ljubljana hosted the international choir festival Europa Cantat 2021, which took take place in a hybrid form due to the COVID-19 pandemic – with online and live events. The educational core of the festival took place entirely on the Europa Cantat online feed, on top of that, we were be able to listen to live concerts by international stars and top domestic choirs at Kongresni trg, Novi trg, the Slovenian Philharmonic and Cankarjev dom.
The Mad Hatter`s Wardrope exhibition by Alan Hranitelj
On the occasion of its second Presidency of the Council of the European Union, works by its most renowned artists will represent Slovenia. Slovenia hosts a retrospective exhibition of the internationally recognised costume designer Alan Hranitelj in cooperation with the renowned set designer Marko Japelj, who arranged an installation offering a glimpse into the artist’s wardrobe at the premises of the Council of the EU. The creations, which cross over from costume design to different worlds of art and combine seemingly incompatible motives, reflect the imaginary world of an artist committed to eternal beauty.
We Are Living in Interesting Times, the exhibition of contemporary Slovenian fine arts
The curator of the exhibition, the Slovenian Marko Košan, has prepared a selection of works by thirteen Slovenian artists who, in the midst of the present-day flood of visual images from mass media, are looking for new forms of painterly, sculptural and photographic expression, aimed at exploring new utopias of an (uncertain) future. The exhibition was opened by the Slovenian Minister of Culture, Vasko Simoniti, and the Chair of the European Parliament's Artistic Committee, Karol Karski. The exhibition, which was created in cooperation with the The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška as part of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will be on display in the European Parliamet and also on the website of the Ministry of Culture until the end of this year.
Waterman ballet on Bled Island
The premiere of the Waterman ballet on 1 July 2021 marked the start of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The ballet staged on Bled Island by Slovenian National Theatre Maribor, choreographed by internationally renowned choreographer Edward Clug and with original music by slovenian composer Milko Lazar was attended by representatives of the Slovenian Government and members of the College of Commissioners.
Pioneers of Slovenian Modern Architecture – Fabiani, Plečnik and Vurnik – Forms for a New Democracy
The virtual exhibition "Pioneers of Slovenian Modern Architecture – Fabiani, Plečnik and Vurnik – Forms for a New Democracy" is on display on social channels and on the website of the Ministry of Culture. The exhibition is complemented daily by one of the works from the rich architectural heritage of the great three Slovenian architects. It was prepared in cooperation with photographer Stane Jeršič and art historian Bojana Čampa. The exhibition is organised under the Slovenian EU Council Presidency.
NAPCORE – National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe
The general objective of this action is to empower the National Access Points (NAPs) as the backbone for ITS digital infrastructure. Also, it will facilitate national & EU-wide operational coordination for the harmonization and implementation of the European specifications.
MESP Pilot Project
The pilot project for the implementation of spatial planning and construction legislation (the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning – MESP Pilot) tests the feasibility, integration and interoperability of tasks prescribed by the spatial planning and construction legislation, and represents the basis for the preparation of projects in the coming 2021–2027 financial perspective.
Preparation of documentation for the second section of Third Development Axis – South
The project "Preparation of documentation for the 2nd section of the 3rd development axis south, on the section from the Maline connection to the international border crossing Metlika and to the Črnomelj south connection" includes the preparation of documentation for the entire second section of the third development axis south, which is divided into three subsections:
A - 8 kilometers from the Maline junction to the Metlika - north junction,
B - 2.5 km from the Metlika - north connection to the Metlika border crossing and
C - 20 kilometers from the Gradnik fork to Črnomelj - south.
The total cost of the project is EUR 8 million of which EUR 2.15 million was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund. -
Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 - Transport
1. Overview
2. Call for Alternative fuels infrastructure Facilitiy - transport (AFIF II) for the period 2024-2025
3. Call for proposal under Connecting Europe Facility – Transport 2024
The objective of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is to accelerate investments in trans-European networks in the transport, energy, and telecommunications sectors, facilitating cross-border connections, enhancing economic, social, and territorial cohesion, and contributing to a more competitive and sustainable social market economy, as well as to the fight against climate change. -
30 Years of Slovenia's Independence
EALING - European flagship action for cold ironing in ports
The Action aims to establish a suitable technical framework based on EU and national legislations, and to lead all the necessary preparatory studies for effective implementation of Onshore Power Supply infrastructure in at least 16 EU maritime ports including the port of Koper.
Ljubljana junction: preparation of project documentation for the upgrade of railway sections and stations in Ljubljana
The Action includes elaboration of design documentation for the part of the Ljubljana Hub between the Ljubljana Šiška station, the main Ljubljana Railway Station, the Ljubljana Moste and Ljubljana Zalog station; including tracks between them. A serious bottleneck has been identified in this area, which needs to be eliminated.
DATA 4PT - data-sharing in the public transport
With regard to public transport, particularly information on multimodality and the issuing of smart cards, significant harmonisation will be required for the wide range of standards and technical specifications. Deploying a set of harmonised European public data standards (Transmodel, NeTEx and SIRI), will enable union-wide multimodal travel information services.
Connection road Ljubečna-Celje East motorway junction
The Ministry of Infrastructure has received a decision from the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy on support for the construction of the connection road Ljubečna-Celje east motorway junction, an investment worth EUR 4.35 million, of which EUR 2.8 million will be co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.
Reconstruction of the Cerknica-Bloška Polica road
The reconstruction of the Cerknica-Bloška Polica road, is a part of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014–2020. The total cost of the project is EUR 3.6 million of which EUR 2.6 million was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.
Safety-technical upgrade of the Karavanke railway tunnel
On 16 November 2020, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy approved EU funding for the project of safety and technical upgrade of the Karavanke railway tunnel. This project is encompassing the upgrade of a about 6.1 km railway tunnel and line with a total value of 79.3 million. EU’s Cohesion Fund is contributing EUR 49.2 million. through the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy” for the 2014-2020 programming period.
Kidričevo bypass
On 25 November 2019, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy issued a decision on support for the construction of the Kidričevo bypass, an investment worth EUR 14.7 million, of which EUR 6.67 million will be co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.
E-ARK3 Project
Under the umbrella of the E-ARK3 Project 20 partners are supporting the development of the CEF eArchiving Building Block as a solution for long-term information assurance. It provides the specifications, reference software, training and service desk support for digital archiving.
Implementing telematics applications for European interoperability
The purpose of the project is to improve rail interoperability with technical specifications pertaining to passenger and cargo services in accordance with EU regulations. This will ensure the fulfilment or implementation of TSI standards in the Slovenian railway network.