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  • Completed

    C-ROADS Slovenia 2

    C-Roads Slovenia is the follow-up to C-Roads Slovenia, a pilot project involving the deployment of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) for the real-time transfer of information.

  • Completed

    Modernisation of the Karavanke railway tunnel: studies and project documentation

    The project encompassing a feasibility study and project documentation for the construction of the new tunnel tube was a joint application by Austria and Slovenia. The Republic of Slovenia is the project coordinator. The results of the project will be used in the next phase of the modernisation of the Karavanke railway tunnel.

  • Completed

    Co-financing of sustainable mobility measures (bus stops and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists)

    Eligible purposes under the call for proposals are investments in pedestrian infrastructure, cycling infrastructure and bus stations. The call with a total value of EUR 17 million co-financed from the EU Cohesion Fund under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020 was approved by the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy on 27 September 2017.

  • Completed

    Co-financing of sustainable mobility measures – P+R systems

    P+R (park and ride) systems are parking facilities where drivers and their passengers can leave the car and transfer to a more sustainable means of transport (public transport, bicycle, etc.). The call for proposals to co-finance investments in P+R systems valued at EUR 4.2 million co-financed from the EU Cohesion Fund was approved by the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy on 20 December 2017.

  • Underway

    Installation of ERTMS/ETCS on the lines Pragersko-Šentilj and Zidani Most-Dobova

    ETCS – European Train Control System

  • Completed

    Krško bypass

    On 24 October 2017, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy issued a decision on support for the construction of the Krško bypass at the old Krško bridge section (Krški most-Vrbina local road) up to the roundabout at TC Krško, G1-5/0336 at km 2.600. The project, valued at EUR 14.3 million, is a part of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, and will receive EUR 8.7 million in funds from the European Regional Development Fund.

  • Completed

    CA-RES III – Concerted Action Renewavble Energy Sources Directive

    The purpose of the project CA-RES III Concerted Action on the Renewable Energy Sources Directive is the exchange of good practice between Member States in the implementation of renewable energy source action plans and the transposition of measures from Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources into the national legislation.

  • Completed


    The project introduces new technologies and innovations in modes of transportation with a focus on decarbonisation and safety. For this purpose, two model liquefied natural gas (LNG) filling stations will be built in Slovenia.

  • Completed

    Murska Sobota southern bypass

    The construction of the first part of the Murska Sobota eastern bypass, is a part of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014–2020. The total cost of the project was EUR 9.86 million of which EUR 5.12 million was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.

  • Completed Project is a complex environment intended for e-archiving. It includes procedures for submitting digitized and born digital records into the public Archives as well as their processing, long-term preservation (in accordance with valid legislation), and further use.

  • Underway

    Upgrading the existing railway line Maribor-Šentilj-state border

    On 22 August 2019, the European Commission approved EU funding for the project of upgrading the existing railway line Maribor-Šentilj-state border. This is a major project encompassing the upgrade of an 18 km-long railway track with a total value of a little over EUR 253 million. EU’s Cohesion Fund is contributing EUR 101 000 000 through the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy” for the 2014-2020 programming period.

  • Completed


    As part of the Motorways of the Sea initiative, the project assessed the possibility of introducing electric power supply on land and electric power for ships in Eastern Mediterranean, namely the Port of Koper and the twinned Port of Limassol (Cyprus) and the Greek ports of Kyllini and Piraeus.

  • Completed

    Initial Airport Operation Plan

    The project relates to the Ljubljana Airport that is part of the core TEN-T network. The project involved the implementation of the Initial Airport Operation Plan that improved the efficiency of airport operations through real-time data sharing.

  • Completed

    Upgrading the Zidani Most-Celje railway line

    The purpose of the project is to upgrade the railway line in the Zidani Most-Celje section in the length of 26.2 km.

  • Completed


    Among other things, the project will help gain a deeper insight into the needs regarding the distribution of electric and hybrid cars so that Mediterranean ports, in particular, can follow trends in the auto industry and prepare to receive such cargo.

  • Completed

    C-ROADS Slovenia

    C-Roads Slovenia is a pilot project involving the deployment of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) for the real-time transfer of information.

  • Completed

    ERANet SmartGridPlus – DeCAS

    The international project DeCAS (Demonstration of coordinated ancillary services covering different voltage levels and the integration in future markets) encompasses an analysis of systemic services, such as active consumption, control of individual units in terms of voltage and reactive power. The Slovenian partner in the project is the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana.

  • Completed

    Co-financing of integrated transport strategies

    An integrated transport strategy is a strategic document on transport planning focusing on measures to promote sustainable mobility. The call with a total value of EUR 2.6 million from the EU Cohesion Fund was approved on the basis of a support decision issued by the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy on 8 October 2015. In 2016 and 2017, 62 integrated transport strategies in the total amount of EUR 1.8 million in EU funding were drafted at the municipal level.

  • Completed

    Upgrading the Poljčane-Slovenska Bistrica railway line

    The project encompasses works in the context of the Poljčane-Slovenska Bistrica section to increase the technical (bearing) capacities of the track and improve safety and interoperability.

  • Completed

    ATM Data 'as a service'

    The project encompassed a technical feasibility study to develop and confirm the centralised concept of processing aircraft information and data for operative use and distribution. The study included the concept development, the implementation of the demo version and a cost-benefit analysis.